What is This feelinh pt 2

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It was hours later, and Virgil was feeling slightly less embarrassed. Of course, he texted Remus and Janus about the whole thing.

Virgil: Guys the most embarrassing thing happened to me

He went on to explain what peeing was, what it felt like, how much it sucked and all that jazz.

Virgil: Roman was making fun of me at first but it's all good now I guess

Janus: that sounds horrible. So like they're going to 'potty train' you? That sounds absolutely mortifying.


Remus: No fair! I wanna pee too! :(( it sounds like a gross thing that I could use to make people disgusted with me! 😀

Janus: it is

Remus: 😀

Virgil: Ya'll that sht hurt so bad I never wanna feel that way again, but it's better to just get this over with now instead of waiting for it to get that bad again

Janus: that does sound like the smart thing to do

Virgil: yeah imm drinking a lot of water rn

Virgil: ...Okay I don't wanna admit it but this has been biting at me ever since I wet myself

Remus: yeah?

Virgil: I kinda liked the feeling

Virgil: bsjehdjdjdjdndjdndjs

Janus: you liked it..?

Virgil: I mean it hurt and all but now that i'm thinking abouy it there was just smthing I like, you know? Like feeling that way, all desperate, getting warm and wet..I was literally forced to my knees

Janus: Oml is it kinky?

Virgil: I DON'T KNOW!!!

Remus: awe, now he's all embarrassed

Janus: damn if it feels so good we need to find a way ti lift this spell so we can do this kinky sht together

Virgil: oml fr?

Janus: well bow I wanna try obvi 🙄

Virgil continued to text them for a few hours, drinking his water and planning out their sleepover. They haven'y seen each other in weeks, and they were starting to miss each other so much.

Remus was screaming about how they needed a sleepover now, while Virgil began to tell them that he really needed to pee again.

Janus encouraged him to go ask before it got bad again, but Remus told him to wait and then send them a video of him squirming and wetting.

Janus slapped Remus on the back of the head of course, before telling Virgil to just go. Neither of them quite understood what this whole peeing thing was, but they had heard of it before through social media and all that.

So Virgil left his phone abandoned, not bothering to bring it with him because it was already starting to get really bad.

Man, time really flied when he was talking to them.

He quickly entered into the living room, face a dark shade of crimson. He honestly didn't care who taught him how to use the bathroom, because he already felt close to wetting himself.

The first person he spotted was Patton, so he shuffled over there, legs glued together. He looked at Patton with embarrassed eyes as he told him what the problem was.

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