Nervous For Nothing

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Patton paced around the room nervously, shouting out his insecurities to his best friends, Logan and Roman, who were just sitting there listening and offering advice to him.

"Guys, I don't know if I can do this! You know about my problem, what if something happens? What if he's disgusted when it happens? Oh, I just know it's going to happen no matter what I try to do!" He cries out, throwing himself onto the couch in-between his friends, dragging his hands down his face with a frustrated sigh.

"Oh, Patton it's going to be alright, I assure you! If this love is true, than everything will turn out just fine!" Roman exclaimed, patting his shoulder.

Logan pushed up his glasses and offered his words of encouragement as well, "Of course Patton, you know my boyfriend, Remus, is great friends with Virgil. And Roman's boyfriend, Janus, is just as much of a friend to him as Remus is, correct?"

Patton nodded, wondering what this had to do with him. Knowing Logan though, it would either make zero sense or come around full circle.

"Well, they've told us many things about Virgil. He's witty and clever and filled ti the brim with sarcasm. He can be shy, and soft-spoken, kind and especially understanding when he wants to be. Everything will be fine, he sounds like a great person."

"Logie, I know he's a good person! But-but it's only the first date, and-"

"Patton, how long have you known him before this?" Roman asked.

"Seven months, two days, three hours and twenty three seconds" Patton sighed dreamily.

Roman gently shoved him in a teasing manner, "see? That look in your eyes! The look of love and Romance! The tension is killing you, but you will overcome the fear and the doubt!!!Because guess what? He loves you just as much as you love him!"

Patton blushed, a small smile on his face, "yeah-y-you're right, everything should be just fine.."

"Will be" Roman corrected.

"Yes, and though seven months isn't that long of the time, Virgil has told me that it feels like he's known you forever. You two have become such wonderful friends, and i'm sure you two will be very great partners for each other-bladder problems or not" Logan explained.

Patton smiled, "thanks guys" he told them in appreciation, giving both of them a one armed hug at the same time, "you're the best friends I could ever ask for!"

"The same shall be said for you, Patton!" Roman exclaimed with a laugh, and Logan chuckled, agreeing.

"So? What are you guys doing together as a date tonight?" Logan asked.

"Oh-we're going on a little hike and than we're trying out a new Sushi place! We've both never been there so it should be a fun little restaurant date!" Patton smiled.

"Ah, I see, get to know each other more on a fun adventure hike, and than get some quiet romantic time at a classy little sushi place? Sounds amazing!" Roman sighed.

"'ll be fun, especially with Virgil! He was a little weary to try out hiking, he's kind of scared of being out in 'the wild' but I told him we'd be on a safe trail and see some butterflies and flowers, and plants, and all that! He was more willing when I told him that..and he said he'd feel a little more calm anyways since i'd be there too!" Patton exclaimed.

"Awe! That's just-just it sounds so romantic!" Roman sighed.

"Still, be careful" Logan interjected, "there could still be things like poisonous snakes, arachnids, plants such as poison ivy,-"

"ARACHNIDS?!?! Logan, please, call them by their real name!" Patton exclaimed.

"Spiders?-" Roman began.

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