What is This Feeling? Ptz 1

Start from the beginning

Patton giggled, "well, basically all you have to do is pick it up with the fork, put it in your mouth, chew it and then swallow it!"

"Oh okay thanks" he smiled back softly.

He brought the food to his mouth and took a bite, chewing it carefully, and swallowing.

"How is it?" Roman asked.

"I-I don't know how i'm supposed to tell? Uh, it isn't a bad experience. It doesn't taste bad, and um, I like it" Virgil said.

"Alright kiddo! Not all food will be like that though. Some things might taste really bad or have weird textures, so if you don't like something, just let me know!" Patton told him.

"Okay.." Virgil said, continuing to eat until his stomach began to feel kinda weird.

"You've never eaten before, so your body might feel weird or uncomfortable. If your stomach starts to feel kind of heavy, you might feel full, which means that you should probably stop eating. Also, don't forget to drink lots of fluids so that you don't get dehydrated."

Virgil nodded along with Logan, pretending to know what he was talking about.

Dinner ended, and they all parted ways, Virgil going back to his room to chill out.


Two weeks had passed, and Virgil was finally at the point where he could kind of recognize when he felt hungry or thirsty. He had learned more about food and drinks, and had built somewhat of a relationship with the lights sides.

Most free time he had was spent texting and calling Remus and Janus.

Virgil: guys Roman is such a little ass, Remus I understand why you always talk crap about him now he is so annoying

Roman wasn't too bad anymore, him and Virgil had little squabbles here and then, butted heads, but it was all mostly teasing, or in good fun. He was still annoying though.

Remus: I know Virge, just ignore him🙄

Janus: I can't believe you have to eat that must be so annoying

Virgil: it is, like I just wanna live my life and give thomas panic attacks but noo I have to go take a lunch break or i'll starve 😔

Virgil: The light sides aren't that bad tbh, they're pretty cool but nothing compared to y'all ofc

Remus: good, nothing will ever top me

Janus: 😏😏😏

Remus: only you 😉

Virgil: oh my god stfu guys

Virgil: I could top you both and we all know it

Remus: you make me weak at the knees babe 😩

Virgil: lol gtg Roman needs me

Remus: that whore

Virgil smiled at his phone, the last thing he saw being Janus saying 'ikr needy asf🙄🙄🙄' before going off to see what it was Roman wanted.

Just breakfast.

He sat at the table and chatted as he ate the pancakes Patton provided for him, thanking him as he began to eat.

But something..didn't feel right.

He began to feel something in his lower abdomen that he'd never felt before.

He wasn't sure what it was. It was like a little twinge that made him feel weird. It forced him to shift his weight and pull his legs closer together than they had been.

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