"They're always so desperate to get to the bar..." Janus said, coming over, not the least bit worried for his sister's safety, "besides, she's almost two..i'm sure she can handle herself."

"She's barely out of diapers and just started walking!" Patton said, somehow knowing more about Janus's sibling than Janus actually did.

"Whatever..let's just do whatever you do at these sleepover things" he said, dismissing his sister once again in favor of heading to his room. Patton just sighed, checking the time, before calling out, "have you fed her?!"

The answer, of course, was no, which lead to Patton feeding the poor child, Lexi, some baby food and milk. It must've been really bad at their house, because more often than not, Lexi would cry and scream thats she, "wanted to go with Patton!"

She never wanted Janus to hold her or play with her when Patton was around. She'd hold onto his shirt, and clutch him for dear life. Janus had a bad habit of making his sister cry on purpose by pinching her, taking her toys, and holding her nose shut while she slept.

After Patton finished feeding Lexi, Janus coming out of his room and sitting around with him to chat as he did so, he burped her and then make her a sippy cup. He put her to bed, and gently tip toed out of there to finally get with Janus.

The rest of the night was spent chatting and playing bored games, before eventually it was getting around the hour that Patton and Janus were more than ready fir bed. Janus had yet to carry out his evil plan, so before Patton could mention anything about hitting the hay, Janus started making up some lies.

"So, Patton, did you know that drinking a lot before bed is a great routine that people have? It runs through your body at night and gives you a pretty good glow up your face and skin becomes clearer and everything!" He said, luring Patton into a false sense of security by giving him a warm, fake smile.

"Woah! Really?" Patton asked. He had heard Logan talk a lot about how hydration, even during the late hours of the day, was good for you, so it must have been true!

"Yeah! How about we have a water drinking contest? We'll both wake up tomorrow looking as beautiful as we possibly can" he smirked.

Patton agreed fully with what Janus had told him, not thinking negatively of it since Janus had been relatively decent that night. He hadn't manipulated Patton or made him feel uncomfortable, at least not that he knew of..he had such a good way of slipping under Patton's nose.

They got to the table, glasses of water upon glasses of water in front of them, begging to he drank.

So they got to work, Patton chugging at least five glasses in three minutes, while Janus pretended to drink his, making a lot of noise as he dumped another cup of water into a little bucket he had placed under the table, and quickly switching out the empty one with the full one when Patton seemed to be fully captivated by his own water.

By the time Patton had finished with all of hai glasses, he looked up to see that Janus had a bunch of his glasses empty, but most still filled, "I win!" Patton exclaimed, "yes!"

"Oh, what a pity!" Janus exclaimed, "I thought for sure i'd win!"

"It's okay Janus, you're great at a bunch of other things! You beat me in nearly everything we do! Patton giggled tiredly, yawning. "Boy, I sure am pooped! I think we should head to bed, what about you?" Patton questioned.

"Wonderful idea, i'm completely worn out.." Janus smirked in reply as Patton turned his back, making his was to Janus's room.


Patton tossed and turned in his sleep from desperation, though his body wasn't waking him up. He was in a horribly realistic dream. You know, the one where you had to pee so bad, but every time you found a toilet something happened to it.

The toilet would either somehow stretch miles away as he was about to sit down, or teleport, or someone would distract him from going.

Dream Patton was basically sobbing as he tried his best to not wet himself. He was twisted into such an unnatural position, and it was getting to such a horrible point, he was leaking all in his pants. He was quickly able to take himself out of his pants, and pee all over a convenient bush that had magically appeared.

Though...he felt his legs were warm and wet. He was confused, he could literally see himself peeing on the ground.

Patton was pulled from his dream, abrupt and sudden as he was more than halfway through wetting himself, finding himself too far gone with relief and shock to even think about trying to cut the stream off. His piss was basically soaked into the mattress at this point, anyways.

He began to panic and cry as the situation hit him. "Oh my god!" He whispered.

He heard a loud laugh from across the room, and there Janus was, holding a video camera with a lamp on for better lighting and quality. Patton's heart stopped as he saw the camera. He wiped his wide, teary eyes, "J-Janus! Cut it out!" He sobbed as the last of his pee trickled out into the wet blanket.

"Oh my god, Patton, I didn't expect you to wet yourself like this...you're such a child, you really couldn't hold it until you woke up? Wow, how pathetic" he smirked, "i've been filming for a while..it was so embarrassing how you were gripping the sheets, gripping yourself, and moaning...god, and to think all I had to do was wake you up.."

"Janus stop!" He cried.

"Pathetic" he cackled, setting the camera up, and turning the light on, "i'll be right back..."

Janus ran to his baby sister's room, and grabbed an adult diaper. His father had accidentally bought them drunk one evening and never gotten back to returning them until it was too late.

He forced Patton, who was hiding under the wet covers, to get out of bed and do a full close up to the camera, "my my, look at the mess you've made.." he said, showing off the insanely large patches of piss that stained the bed.

Patton continued his sobbing throughout the entire experience, as he was beyond humiliated.

Janus turned the camera away as he laid Patton down, "if you can't control yourself, than you'll have to wear these.."

Patton struggled against it, of course, but Janus over powered him and held him down, forcing him into the diaper.

Janus shut off the camera after filming Patton in the diaper.

His humiliation never ended, however, as the rest of the day, Janus just continued to baby him and make fun of him. He was even forced to use the diaper on many more occasions throughout the day.

At one point, the diaper was just so full, and so heavy, but he was just being forced to wear it, he just completely broke down, grabbed his stuff, and ran out of Janus's house. He drove to Virgil's, ran in, and sobbed.

Virgil was immediately confused , even more so when he saw the practically dripping, dark yellow diaper that was basically falling off of him.

"Oh my god, Patton!" Virgil exclaimed, "what-what the hell happened?!"


Virgil wasn't given many answers that day, but the following Monday, he got all he could have needed and more. Janus had airdropped the video he filmed to the entire school.

Virgil was disgusted with Janus as he watched it, and felt horrible to Patton.

When Patton walked into school the next day, he was bullied relentlessly, and would continue to be the entire year.

Janus got into deep trouble for the little prank, but that would never take away the burning feeling on his cheeks whenever he walked into class, hearing people whisper about it and tell the newbies what had happened.

Though it did take away Patton and Janus's toxic relationship, as Patton had completely cut him out of his life. He only hoped that Janus's sister wouldn't grow up mentally scarred from her horrible brother.

A/n: Feeling a little better tonight so I decided to knock one of these out! Thank you Fuck-You-David for the wonderful prompt!!

Word count:: 2086

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