Nervous For Nothing

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Double dumb, because his bladder was very overactive, and it felt like his bladder was constantly trolling him. When he felt like he didn't need to go, he'd end up wetting himself, and when he felt like his bladder was about to pop, literally nothing would come out-than sometimes Niagara falls came out, it was all just so confusing.

"Hey Patton! Look!" Virgil whispered, smiling a little bit.

Patton came over slowly as he saw what Virgil was looking at. He picked his camera up, making sure it was in focus, before snapping a bunch of pictures. It was a huge Blue Morpho butterfly, flapping it's wings from where it stood atop a Azalea bush, which had some pretty orange Begonia's sprouting around it.

He focused his camera in in the butterfly, and made it so that the flowers were slightly out of focus, so his camera could get the majestic beauty of the creature in front of him.

"That was so cool!" Patton exclaimed as the butterfly began to fly away.

Virgil smiled at Patton'a enthusiasm, "let's go look for some more cool little creatures" he smiled.

--. ----. -----. --.

About thirty minutes later, and many cute pictures of flowers and bushes and birds-Patton began to realize how bad he actually needed to go. He was sure that his bladder wasn't tricking him this time, because he had been drinking a lot of water to stay hydrated, and it just felt so real.

He rubbed his knees together, and pulled his skirt down a little bit as he thought of holding himself. He crossed his legs where he stood, and bit his lip. Things were not going to go good if he couldn't find somewhere to pee soon...

He needed a diversion..or, well, just something to get away from Virgil for just a little bit.

"Hey Virge!" Patton exclaimed, "i'm going to go off trail for a bit-I think that I saw a bunny, I wanna go get a picture!"

"'re going off trail? What if something happens to you?" He asked a little nervously, "here let me come with-"

"No! I mean-no, no it'll be fine, kiddo! I'll be right back!" He smiled rushing iff to catch the 'bunny.' He kind of felt bad for leaving Virgil-he knew how nervous he could get by himself, especially in an unfamiliar place, but he had to pee, damnit.

He quickly got far enough away to where he could see Virgil, though he couldn't see him. He was sure he was far enough away so that Virgil couldn't hear, so he hiked his skirt up, bent down, and pulled himself out.

He sighed quietly in relief as the piss began to flow out of him and onto the grass below, soaking into the dirt, though still creating a puddle. No matter how hard he tried to be quiet, it just felt so damn good, so he let himself relax, and began to piss full force below himself, having to shift so that he didn't soak his shoes.

When he finally finished, he shook himself off, sighed, and got back up. He blushed a little bit as he surveyed the damage he'd done nearby the bush..he really had to go.

"Hey Virgil, i'm back! Patton yelled cheerily, startling Virgil, "darn bunny got away!"

"Patton! Virgil exclaimed, "oh my god you were gone for like five minutes, I thought you died!"

Patton maintained his blush as he thought about that-he's peed for quite a while...

"Also, I think I heard some water flowing-I think there may be a river nearby, let's go see some fish, I guess" Virgil shrugged.

As Virgil began to walk, Patton covered his tomato red face. 'Oh my god Virgil heard me pee.'


Sanders Sides Omorashi/Pissfic! RE UPLOADED!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum