Cuz and  Kelly unscrew the tank and soon notice all the trucks that are in it so why do they call the police

K= yeah it's in the middle lo about 100 yards from the Westside fence yeah red and yellow .... Thanks upton yeah yeah I'll be here I'll be waiting for you..... excuse me hey do you know if anybody called over here about the food truck today.
TM= not since I got here at seven this morning
K= all right well if they do can you do me a favor and just give me a heads up
TM= sure thing

Cruz has to leave to go get the kids from daycare or school so Kelly stays and waits on Haley to show up while he's doing that Stella is over at Molly's taking in new inventory they got

H= did you guys know what you're doing about the booze yet cause  I would be more than happy to provide all of it at cost
S= well we settled on a liquor package at the venue and then seveide thought it was too expensive so you know maybe we will call off the wedding
H= hey talk to me what's going on
S= things have been weird you know it's like the more wheel it gets the less we want to talk about, We went for writing deposit checks to just avoiding the subject altogether
H= wedding jitters are normal
S= I don't know if that's it though you know just part of me worries if we ever really got over the whole me going MIA thing or if he's hanging on to something or if we both have so much baggage when it comes to marriage that it was bound to spell out eventually I don't know maybe there's a good reason  we've been putting this off for so long
H= yeah I'm sure there is but who are we kidding all right there's got to be a bunch of good reasons not to go through with it in there's only one will reason one good reason to do it because you love each other.
S= Love part is easy I never  question that
H= well there you go then I keep it simple that's my advice

Back at the tow yard Kelly is still waiting on Upton to show up he hear something so he goes to check it out but when he comes back toward the back of the truck he sees Dell

DC= hey you found my truck ( door opens ) oh man look at that
K= don't make things  worse
D= thanks for the tip
K= hey hey don't don't
HU= Chicago PD get your hands up get them up put your hands behind your head into Alicia fingers and get down on your knees do it slowly
DC=  Bad call Kelly you have no idea what you just stepped into
HU= you have the right to remain silent but by all means keep talking get up
D= I almost feel bad for you

Often take spell with Her the next day Stella and Kelly arrive at work together and Kelly is on the phone is acting to find out what really went down

K= yeah thanks no I appreciate that date will do yet keep me posted... there was $100,000 worth of ISO on that truck
S= $100,000 I mean that seems like a lot for one guy
K= yeah I thought two Upton says with all his priors he's probably going to be away for a long time
S= that's good  at least
K= yeah
S= hey I love you
K= I love you too
CZ= hey Lieutenant whatever happened with that food
S= go fill him in

Kelly goes and  fills cruz In on what happen at the tow yard after he left so so it goes to her office and does he normally Lieutenant stuff. At the end of shift kelly goes to put things in his car went all the sudden someone calls out for help and he goes to want to see what the help was about but turns out it was a set up for four guys to jump him, so he gets sent to the hospital, truck 81 got called away right before shift ended on a call so Boden has to call them over the radio to let Stella to know what happen

CB= Truck  81 do you copy
S= sorry chief I know we're running into third shift we're five minutes out
CB= Stella....  there's been an incident

The chief tell Stella over the radio what happened to Kelly and she has mouch Drive the truck over to med so she can go check on Kelly herself

RN= Stella Kidd
S= yea
RN= right this way ( Open the curtain )
S= Kelly oh my god are you okay where does it hurt is anything Broken
K= no I'm OK
S= good I mean do you think this has something to do with the food truck
K= maybe I don't know Boden's out there talking to the cops right now
S= God you look like you're in pain how bad is it
K= i'll let you know when the meds wear off
S= I just I was so terrified when I heard Boden  over the radio you know I just god  my mind went to the worst
K= everything is OK it's okay stell  I love you
S= I know and I just I know I've been pushing too hard to get my way on everything
K= Yeah but I think we both know it's not the real problem here it's insane we won in the buildings for Leavine why the hell are we scared of this
S= maybe because we don't know what the hell we're doing there's no Academy for this
K= The only way to learn how to run into a real fire is by doing it so let's just do it let's not wait another four months let's do it next week
S= ( kiss him) that sounds perfect ( hugs )
CB= sorry to interrupt seveide this is Detective pryma
DP= how are you doing Kelly
K= I'm all right
DP= So that food truck day we picked up yesterday dell cotner  turns out his cousin with this guy ( shows a picture)
K= he was there
DP= yeah Thomas Campbell now his organization became one of the biggest players in the Midwest opioid  trade in the last few years that truck was there first foroy into retail just so you know we're throwing everything we got at this all right we're gonna do our best to get these guys but you just really need to stay alert
CB= okay you keep us posted thanks

They leave Stella and Kelly alone to be alone chief goes in upstates everyone about his condition, 

Author note ; overall the episode was OK the only good part about the episode was the last scene between stellaride i'm so glad they decided to move it up because I don't wanna wait another four months for them to get married cannot wait to see the wedding. Also I love the all  the comedy storyline the whole couch and capp and Tony thing this week it was hilarious.also I love chief but why did you have to interrupt their cute moment also I love how vulnerable Kelly is with Stella that man really loves her 

Stellaride behind the  flamesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें