Chapter 8

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I rode back quickly to the castle before I got burned alive. As I arrived and parked inside the garage, Orion was standing by the doorway.

"Where have you been?!" Orion questions me as he punches me in the face.

"You didn't have to punch me dickhead!" I punched him so hard he went flying across the room and crashed into the metal walls.

"You dick you could've been- wait! What the fuck happened to your arm?"

"Elliot Damocles happened."

"The Elliot Damocles?! The one we faced a couple of weeks ago?" I gave him a nod. "You were facing the second commander of the wolfpack on your own?! Why didn't you call for backup?! You could've been killed! We don't even know what abilities he holds to give the werewolves more strength!"

"There was no need to." At least I understand why he's the second commander.

"I don't quite understand where this is going?"

"I figured out his powers. He can't boost strengths. He's the Undead King. He can summon his own undead army." Orion was shocked.

"No fucking way?!"

"I'm not joking, I saw him use his ability with my own eyes." I'll admit his fighting style and his ability are incredible. He reminds me of someone I know who has similar abilities. I can't wrap my head around it.

"How did you take them all down?"

"I threw one of my throwing knives that has wolfsbane at him. It didn't take too long to figure out how to defeat the undead werewolves."

"You got lucky." Yeah, lucky.

"Yeah, I did. But there won't be a next time that's for sure. I wouldn't underestimate him." You shall never underestimate your enemies.

"Are you going to inform Cilas about Damocles?"

"Yes. We've also been trying to figure out what his ability is for almost a month." I pointed out.

"Yeah, that's true. I do have a question though."

"Spill it."

"Where were you before Elliot showed up?" Shit! I can't tell him about that strong scent that I followed. I won't mention it to him.

"I drove around as usual and took a walk in the woods." I hope he can at least buy that bullshit.

"Alright. Try not to stay out that late again or karma is going to come for you." He scowled me.

"Karma? I'm more of a bigger bitch than karma and you know it." I winked. It's true, karma can't get me.

"Whatever, just shut up."

"Can't shut me up unless I'm dead." I shrugged and walked away. I went to the throne room to see if Cilas was there. As I entered the throne room, I witnessed Cilas smashing everything he came into contact with. What the fuck happen now? "My Lord?" I bowed to him and he immediately stopped smashing everything.

"What are you doing here?" He questioned me with anger in his voice.

"I was attacked not too long ago by Elliot Damocles." He was shocked as I mentioned his name.

"Elliot Damocles?! The second commander right?" I nod my head.

"Yes. I also figured out his ability. He doesn't boost strengths for the pack. He can summon undead werewolves of his own." I explained.

"You witnessed his ability?" I nodded, yes. "How did you escape?"

"It didn't take too long to figure out how to defeat the undead werewolf army. However, I couldn't finish him off because the sun was rising. I spared his life for now but the next time we come face to face I will kill him!"

"That's what I want to hear. I wish you could've ended him! Why were you out there in the first place? You were not assigned to any missions." Part of me is saying don't tell him but I was going to anyway since he knows about my flashbacks.

"Before I was attacked, I was in the training room with Orion. I had a flashback of my past and-" Before I continue explaining what happened Cilas cut me off.

"You had a flashback?"

"Yes." He sighed.

"How long has this been going on?"

"Just been happening for a while now," I said. He sighed again. He mumbled something under his breath. What was that about?

"Alright, continue the story." Why did he react like that? Maybe it has something to do with earlier.

"I had a flashback in the middle of training and after it ended I found myself holding Orion by his neck, nearly killing him. I took a drive just to clear my mind and that's when I bumped into Damocles." I can't tell him about that powerful scent that I was craving.

"Alright. Thank you for the information. You are dismissed. I have... things to do." And so I left. That was fucking weird.

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