Chapter 12

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I carried her to my house. I opened the door and put her in one of the guest rooms. I got in the shower and changed my clothes. I grabbed one of my shirts and went back to the guestroom. She was still passed out from the drug. I felt my fangs coming out. I'm thirsty because of her blood. I hate to admit that I want to drink her blood. I never craved someone's blood before, even when I drank human blood. I leaned over her neck while I was panting at the same time.

I can't do this to her. I fought to keep myself under control. I ran out of the room and went downstairs to the garage. I opened my fridge, grabbed the animal blood bag, and drank it. I would've drank human blood, but I don't know how my blood thirst would react if I don't restrain myself around her. Once I was done, I went upstairs. I can still sense her blood. Why am I feeling like this? I heard a little groaning from the girl. I ran to the guest room. The girl was starting to wake up. She looked around and she saw me. She stared at me with fright.

"Stay away from me!" She panicked.

"Hey! Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you."

"Fuck off I don't believe you! My dad is a cop and he will find me!"

"I don't think so." So clueless.

"He will!" I have to tell her what her dad did. She has every right to know.

"Look, human, I saw what those guys did to you and I heard what they said. Your father was the one who sold you to those who tried to kidnap you."

"'re lying..."

"Does it look like I'm lying, human? You're free to go see your father and ask him yourself." Fucking humans! They can be stupid sometimes. Tears began streaming down her face.

"No! There's no way that could be true! You're lying! My dad would never do this to me!" She was in disbelief. I don't blame her. You may know someone your entire life, but sometimes they're not who you think they are. There's always that dark side that nobody would find out about until later.

"Newsflash sweetheart, it's true." I rolled my eyes.

"Are you actually telling the truth?" The girl asked.

"I wouldn't tell you all of this, would I?" I threw my hands in the air.

"Wait a minute...." Judging by the expression on her face, it looks like she realized something and put the pieces together. "You''re not lying...... My father and I were supposed to go to a restaurant for my birthday....he texted me the location. I waited for him for a long time. He sent me a message telling me that he couldn't come and that he was sorry. I then had the feeling that someone was watching me. So I left the restaurant and the men started following me, too. I ran as fast as I could, but I lost my way through the woods... Wait! One of 'em screamed my name! They somehow knew my name! Oh my God! My dad really did this to me!" Tears started to flow down her face. I didn't know what to do. I went inside my room. She cried the whole night. Eventually, she stopped so I checked up on her and she fell asleep. I took her clothes off and grabbed my shirt from the bed and put it on her. Hmm, it's long enough. I put a blanket over her and I left.

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