Chapter 4

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For 2 weeks, we have been hunting down werewolves and killing them one by one. They failed to capture any humans late at night. We were also hunting down purebloods. We had another announcement that new recruits are coming soon. I joined this coven on December 22, 1691. From those, beyond 27 years, in 1134 around autumn, I found out that I have abilities. I move faster than any ordinary vampire, my other power, I have the ability to teleport anywhere I see. I'm immune to anything that kills vampires, except the sunlight and uv lights, and I barely get wounded in battle. Nobody knows about my abilities, not even Cilas or my friends. I didn't bother telling anyone. Sometimes it's best to keep things to yourself.

The soldiers and I were on our way to hunt down the werewolves. One of the trackers spotted them kidnapping humans and found their location. We parked our vehicles and gathered our weapons. We started walking in the woods. I instructed the soldiers on the plan as we walked.

"Alright, guys, be careful. The werewolves could be anywhere. Be cautious at all times!" I can sense the stench coming from the werewolves and the humans. They must be close by.

"There might be traps, Leon," Orion stated the obvious.

"I know." One thing that I can do that no vampire or werewolf can do is see the UV light glowing through any traps. The only way the ordinary vampire can detect it is by using a special device. "I would look for tripwires if I was you." We continued walking in the woods and a mile away, there was an abandoned building that we know they like to hang out in. "Here's the plan, snipers, climb on those trees for a higher view, sword fighters, stay by the entrance but stay in the shadows so that you won't be seen, the rest of you, come with me!" We quietly entered the building. Smells like someone died here. I can smell a lot of blood. I signal the vampires to stay in the shadows.

"Remember! Search for the traps, guys!" Orion reminded soldiers.

"Thank you, Orion."


"Line up!" Each of them was classified as a test subject. The humans were crying and begging for mercy.

"Everyone, get ready!" I ordered them. Everyone was in their positions, getting ready to attack. I took out my throwing knives and shut the lights. "Who's there?!" One of the werewolves shouts. We ambushed them, killing all of the werewolves and releasing all the humans.

"We're getting you guys out of here! Run and don't look back! There's going to be a truck nearby when it stops, head in the back of the truck and get in!" I said as I freed the prisoners. I was hearing another group of humans crying for their lives. "Guys! This way!" We walked to the other doorway and followed the sound.

"We have werewolves here!" One of the soldiers confirmed. I kick in the door and it collapses on the ground. While I was about to shoot them, I paused for a moment... They are cubs...

"Please don't hurt us!" One of the cubs was crying for their life. I can't..... I can't let the soldiers to kill them.

"Time to die!"

"Wait! No!" One of the soldiers fired on the kids. I quickly ran and took the bullets for them. All the soldiers gasp.

"Leon! What the hell are you doing!

"They're just kids! You're really going to kill them?" Are they fucking serious?

"Get out of the way, soldier!"

"I'm not fucking moving! They're not part of this war!"

"Guys! He's right! They're too young to understand." Orion agrees with me.

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