New wheels

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I set down the camera taking a swig of my Arizona as Sam waved good bye. "That's a wrap!" He said taking his hat off to shake his hair out the put it back on. "Awesome! I'm starving, I need to go home." I said grabbing my bag."Just stay here, I've got food here, I'll just make you some noodles!" Sam walked by grabbing my hand and pulling me to the Kitchen, I pulled myself onto the smooth, dark marble counter top. He twisted the burner dial to medium pulling a pot from the cupboard beside where my crossed legs hung. Sam filled it halfway setting it on the burner, he leaned on the counter across me. He looked down to my shoes "Are those the shoes Kian got you for Christmas?" He looked back up to me with deep brown eyes. "Yeah, why?" I said curiously, a grin spread across his face "Because I picked them out... I thought you would like the silver studs and shit....". I looked down to my shoes, they were deep purple with silver studs in a heart on each outer side and laughed. "And shit? I don't see any shit on my shoes.".

He rolled his eyes smirking at my remark "I didn't mean literal shit....Your such a dork". I laughed, Sam jumped off the counter ripping the package of noodles and dropping them in the boiling water. "I'm kidding and I do love these shoes...." I murmured to myself tapping my toes together like on The Wizard of Oz. "What was Kian doing when you left?" He said while staring contently at the noodles he was stirring. "He was changing the wheels to my skateboard for me. I scuffed up my old ones." I exclaimed, Sam nodded. I had wrecked my wheels when I was skateboarding with Acacia, my best friend, Or as Lawlorffs would say Sam's ex girlfriend. We were boarding near the beach when a psycho seagull swoops down, scaring the hell out of me, causing me to somehow fall down the side of the hill and crack a wheel. The rest were brutally scratched, I can't board on ugly wheels! So I made Acacia take me to the mall so I could buy some new ones. My old wheels were just plain ol' black, but the new wheels are my favourite colours. The base colour is purple with a lime green circle stripe thing on the sides, they were sick. Plus they glow in the dark! So freaking awesome!!

"The noodles are done." said Sam through a mouthful of noodles. "Sweet, thanks." I said quickly before cramming a fork full of noodles. They were hot and savoury, I was in heaven. "No problem." He said rinsing his bowl, my eyes widened. "Your done already?" I exclaimed, he looked at me and laughed "I was hungry to okay! Plus there weren't very many noodles.." I shook my head swallowing my food. " I should probably phone Kian and tell him to come and get me" I said and began to pull out my iPhone with my right hand and put my bowl in the sink with my left, Sam stopped me. "Nah don't, I'll just give you a ride. I need to talk to Kian about vidcon anyways." He grabbed his keys leaving the kitchen through the garage door. I followed getting into the passenger seat of Sam's silver car,"Superkian13 is going to vidcon?".

He shook his head "No, O2L.", It wasn't to long before we were at my house. Sam pulled into our empty driveway, my parents weren't home so it was just Kian and me. "Is the young kid going to?" I ran my hand through my medium-long brown ombre'd hair. "Trevor?' He asked as I pulled out my keys opening the front door. "Yeah, I think..... The on that was on The X-Factor..." I briskly replied, I don't pay much attention to the members of O2L or their videos. Except (of course) Kian and Sam, so I don't know their names really. He sat on the couch and looked up at me "Trevor. We are all gonna be there", he pulled out his iPhone and pulled up Twitter. "Cool, KIAN!! I'M HOME, SAM'S HERE TO" I hollered to Kian, he was bound to be somewhere in the house.

"COMING!" Kians voice echoed through the almost empty house from upstairs. He came down with my board in his hand "Hey Sam! Oh Katy lynn, I finished putting the wheels on you board." Katy lynn is Kians nickname for Kaitlynn. He smiled handing me my board, I took it grinning. "Thanks Kian!" I hugged my older brother running to the front door. "Wait!" I turned to a pondering Kian "What?" I questioned. "Where are you going?" He said crossing his arms, Sam laughed. "I'm just going to Acacia's, she's not a rapist. I will not be raped if I go there." I taunted him, He shook his head. "Go ahead" he shoo'd me, "NO PROMISES!! SHE MAY RAPE YOU!" I heard Sam yell after me as I shut the door. I jumped onto my skateboard pushing myself forward with my back foot and rolled to Acacia's.

The Camera Girl *O2L Fanfiction*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن