Ask and You Shall Recieve...

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I caught my board as I launched it in the air with my foot. Acacia ran out the door, her long slick, straight brown hair flickering like a candle behind her. "You're here! Why the hell did you take so long?" She threw her slender arms around my torso squeezing  tightly. I hugged back nudging her off as I stepped into her big cream colored house. I loved Acacia's house, not as much as my own, but It was a beautiful home. While her house had a pool, ours had a cabana, our house had Hardwood floors, hers had a medieval styled stoning, ours had a personal bathroom with each bedroom  , hers only has a personal bathroom with the master bedroom. As you can see our houses are different but the same. Not that it made a difference, we each went to each others house equally. Acacia and I went to her house on the super hot days during summer and we went to my house usually when we have bonfires or a lot of people over to hang out.

What the fuck am I talking about.

"If I was your boyfriend I would be your boy...." Acacia said seductively tilting her head and playing with the ends of her hair while making a retarded scrunched up face. I laughed setting my purple bag/sack on the hanger. "I want some Starbucks......" I whined dragging my feet to the computer where she sat with her feet on the arms of the big leather chair in front of her. "Well then lets go get some!" She jumped up grabbing her purse, I straightened my back throwing my flip flops back on and grabbing my bag. Acacia opened the door to their garage getting into her moms blue car, I got in sitting in the passenger the leather sticking to my bare legs. "Fuck!" I squealed as the metal for the seat belt burnt my hand, Acacia laughed. "HA HA HA, don't swear hoe" She narrowed her eyes at me as she said it like it was a major threat. I clung to my door "WHEN SAM SAID YOU WERE GONNA RAPE ME I THOUGHT HE WAS KIDDING!!"

Hurt was close to nothing in her eyes at the mention of his name, they had only broken up a couple of months ago but Acacia had been starstruck. There was not a moment when they were apart! She grinned at me creepily " First Sam, now you..... Then to figure out how to get the children" Acacia stroked a non-existent beard. I plugged my iPhone into the jack pressing shuffel, the music blasted from the speakers. Minutes later we were in the Starbucks parking lot singing as loud as we could to Live While We're Young by One Direction(but of course :D). I burst out laughing as Acacia hit her head on the stearing wheel.

"C'mon, let's go." I managed out taking in a deep breath. As soon as we stepped in Starbucks the strong incense of caffeine lifted and twirled around my nostrils filling them quickly. Acacia lifted her arms in praise  "Thank the good lord!" she twirled around happily. I poked my head over to find what it was she was so excited about. "What?" My voice was really squeaky, I grinned. " THEY MAKE PORTABLE CUPS NOW!!" She pointed her slender finger towards the shiny silver shelf containing four different portable cups, each with the Starbucks symbol and different designs. The first one was Pink with the Starbucks symbol glued on in sparkles(SOOOO ACACIA), the second one was a creme colour with a dark brown Starbucks symbol, the third was red with a blue felt Starbucks symbol and the fourth one was an absolutely adorable purple cup with a bright green lid and Starbucks symbol.

I grabbed it standing in the line beside Acacia, she had picked out the (obviously...) pink glittered cup. " I can't wait to use this!! Yours is gonna be so handy for when you go to vidcon! " She exclaimed looking at me, her eyebrows lowered " You are going to vidcon right? With Connor, Trevor, Ricky, Sam, Ricardo, Kian and Yumm, JC." She let out a lingered sigh at the name JC, my left eyebrow had rose in confusion she looked at me with a look the said 'Seriously? You ratchet ass hoe'. "Oh my god your stupid....." She smacked her forhead "O2L!!" I laughed awkwardly. " Oh. I don't know..... I'll have to ask Kian or Sam."

"Or Kian..." She said setting her cup down on the counter. No matter how many times I've told Acacia I don't like Sam she doesn't believe me! I rolled my eyes looking at the clock it was already 9:30 "After this can you drive me home? It's already 9:30". She smiled cheekily "But of course..."

I had ordered a iced chai tea latte with soy milk, Acacia order the white chocolate frappacino with whipped cream and a chocolate drizzle. We totally don't go to Starbucks all the time...... Okay we do, She's my coffee buddy! Plus Starbucks is kind of like a symbol of our friendship considering Sam first introduced me to Acacia over a Starbucks coffee(his treat). I smiled at the memory, She snapped her fingers in front of my face "Your hoooommmeee!!!". I giggled "Sorry..... I was thinking....", she pulled her lips from the pink mouth hole of her cup "About who?" Her eyes were wide and dead serious. "No one!" I insisted, her eyes darted from me to the house then back. I sighed quietly knowing that Sam was still over. "You'd better go.." She croaked anxiously "And You'd better ask soon about Vidcon, it starts this Friday and it's already Wednesday.... Soon Thursday..... So get your ass out of my car and ask!!"

I laughed getting out of her car and grabbing my board. Before I shut the door I corrected her "Your moms car", she pulled the car door shut driving away. I laughed trotting into the house, Sam was just about to leave. "Bye Kian, hey Kaitlynn!" He chuckled. " Hey Sam.... Bye Sam" I waved as he passed by me. Kian was sitting on the couch, might as well ask... "Kian..." I stuttered, he turned. " Hey Katy lynn-" Kian let out a gasp "YOU WENT TO STARBUCKS AND DIDN'T GET ME ANYTHING?!?!?!". I giggled offering it to him "Here, have some.", he took it from me taking a sip and handing it back. "So what did you need?" He said changing the channel to MTV, I sat down beside him. "Can I please go to Vidcon with you and Sam? I'd do what you told me and follow your rules. I really want to go!" I confessed, "I don't know....". I latched onto his arm "Please! It would be amazing and I'd love you forever!"

"Fine but you have to pay for your own ticket like Sam and I did" He grinned at my reaction. "THANKS KIAN!!" I hugged him tightly "I will I have a lot of leftovers from Christmas and my Birthday" we turned back to the TV, Buckwild was on. "There will be some rules though and they are for your safely and my concern for you being my little sister" I turned back to him. " Lay them on me".

"Well first off......................"

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