The frosting on top.

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The clanking of coffee cups and shuffles of people walking around the room woke me up, I sat up rubbing my eyes hazily stretching. I opened my eyes then closed them falling back down under the covers groaning. The warm body next to me began to stir, Ricardo pulled his arm from under me sitting up legs over the siding. "Good Morning" He said stretching, "morning" I said rolling over into a pool of wetness. I shot up almost falling out of the bed.

"What the fu- Sam did you wet the bed" I hissed groggily, Trevor tsked from the balcony door "I told you to pack extra bed time pull ups Sam...". Sam set down his coffee rolling his eyes "No, I was just hot.". "I wonder why, you only had all the covers!" Ricardo nudged Sam. I got up from the bed unzipping my suitcase, Kian walked in from the balcony "Good, I was just going to tell you to get ready for the day, we're going to breakfast soon then we were gonna go to the mall for a bit, then we have a taco bell meet up and I have to film my video in the afternoon before we're on stage.". I looked up to him smiling "Okay Kian", I grabbed my clothes and walked into the bathroom. 

To my surprise, Jc was standing there. With nothing more than a towel and abs on his tanned, hot, water trickled, fit- "Take a picture it will last longer" He chuckled. "Oh! I wasn't looking- I was thinking about-" "My abs?" he teased popping his toothbrush in his mouth. "Yeah, sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night." I said awkwardly setting my clothes down so I could brush my own teeth. A silence settled over the two of us as we began getting ourselves ready. I finished my hair and makeup and stood there waiting for Jc to leave so I could put some real clothes on. He set down his brush waiting for what I assume the same reason. 

There we were, standing there awkwardly waiting for the other to leave. I wanted to say something but the moment was so awkward it hurt, I have no idea why. The fact he was pretty much naked didn't bother me, just the fact that he didn't know what to say either made it worse. Seconds of floor staring and glances at each other past before I pointed to the shower saying. "I'll just-" "yeah and I'll-" "Okay". If you have no idea what we were saying(which I'm surprised I understood in the first place) it was pretty much an agreement of me changing behind the curtain while he did outside it.I stepped in shutting the curtain behind me, quickly I threw my clothing off so I butt naked.

I pulled up some panties before beginning my struggle with my black and white aztec printed shorts. It was hard to get the tight shorts on over my moist legs, all they did was stick to them. My legs were moist because of the humidity in the air from Jc's shower. Finally they pulled up and buttoned when I heard shuffling and a swift pull of the curtains. Jc had tripped putting on his pants, he looked up screaming. I looked at him then in the mirror at my half naked self screaming. The door opened "What's going on in-" Sam's laugh full sentence was cut off my screaming, "what?" Ricardo had just managed to pop his head in the doorway before I manage to pull the curtain from under Jc. Who by the way was still looking!

"Out, out, out, OUT!" I yelled a them purely mortified. They quickly scurried out tumbling over one another shutting the door behind themselves. No one has ever seen me topless and I don't have the nicest boobs eather. I have no idea what perfect boobs look like anyways but I can garunte mine aren't. It may just be an insecurity but whatever, I don't really care at this moment in my life. It all happened so fast all I could do is scream! I put my bra on quickly suddenly not wanting to wear the black crop top I was going to wear, It was soaked anyway from dropping it in the little puddle of leftover water.There were a couple knocks on the door "Kaitlynn?" It was Kian. "Oh my god." was all I could say.

"Can I come in Katy lynn?" He asked. "Ugh, yeah. But I need a shirt" I croaked. He opened the door coming in and passing me a tank top and my sweater covered in endless amounts of cupcakes. "What happened?" Kian soothed rubbing circles on my back. "Jc slipped when putting on his pants pulling down the curtain and saw me topless. Then Sam and Ricardo did." I closed my eyes rubbing my forehead "This is so embarrassing, they're gonna bug me now!". "Why would they bug you" Kian questioned raising an eyebrow curiously. I laughed "Because I have weird boobs..." Kian chuckled "You don't have weird boobs!" Kian assured a little louder than I would have liked but he did.

"Fine, but can you tell them to pretend It never happened so that we can move on and get food?" I asked hopefully. "Of course I will Kitkat" He said hugging me then stepping out of the bathroom for a minute or two then back in. "What'd they say?" I asked giddily. "They said deal, they just told Ricky, Trevor, Connor and Andrea. So are you ready to eat?" He replied. "Yeah, aren't you the least bit mad about this?" I asked. His smirk was hinting with evil "You have no idea." I giggled. 

We left the bathroom entering the almost quiet room, the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. "Fat penguin!" Ricky screamed out. "What the hell are you trying to do?" Andrea asked. "Just breaking the ice" Ricky said bursting into laughter. Connor smirked at his joke. "Let's eat" Trevor said, everyone replied with a yes. As we were walking out the door Jc stopped me saying" Your boobs are defiantly not weird.". He winked and continued down the hall with the rest

Chappy Question- CONGRATULATIONS SUPER1DFANGABBY!!! I loved all of your guys' answers  but I found Gabby's unique(I like ones that are different lol..). You're all so sweet with charity and stuff like that!!! better luck for next time!! Here's the question:

What is the most awkward/embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?


Hey you guys sorry I haven't updated in forever but my friend has my Ipod and I haven't been able to get it back so I had to start from scratch!! Plus I was on vacation so you know... But looking at how many reads I've gotten on my whole story in general I feel bad for taking forever because you guys actually read my story!! 

Also.... SHOUT OUT TO MY BESTIE ARIEZ!!! SHE JUST POSTED HER STORY ON OUR WATTPAD IT'S CALLED Dancing....Drama....Lies and a Whole lot of English Tea. She's also the one with my Ipod..... :/


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