42: His Carelessness

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You slowly made your way to the team, tired and still feeling pain in your stomach.

Osamu was the first to notice your presence, taking in the state you're in. "Ya look like shit, Y/n."

"Gee, thanks."

"Osamu, language." Kita turned from scolding the spiker to look at you. "You do look terrible though. Is everything alright?"

You gave an obviously fake smile. "Peachy."

Atsumu picked you up in his arms. "Do ya wanna go back and rest for the day? We technically don't need ya with us since we don't have a match."

You shrugged, wrapping your arms loosely around his neck and resting your head on his shoulder. "Doesn't matter to me."

All of the guys looked at each other- each and every one of them having the same concerned expression on their face. They know something's wrong with you at the moment. They just can't figure out what it is.

Atsumu gently rubbed your back with one hand. "Let's get ya back ta yer bed. Just rest today, ok, darlin?"

You nodded against his shoulder. "Ok. Thanks, Tsumu."

He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. "Anythin fer the love of my life."

The next day wasn't too much better. The moment your alarm went off and woke you up, you sprinted into the bathroom and puked yet again.

"Fucking hell...."

You quickly changed and walked out of your room, doing your best to hide how shitty you feel.

Atsumu wore the brightest smile ever once he saw you. "Darlin! How'd ya sleep? Feel better?" The moment you were close enough to him, he had wrapped his arms around you and lightly kissed your forehead.

You gave a fake smile, masking your pain. "It's all good, Tsumu. I got plenty of sleep and feel much better."

"Good! We need ya ta cheer us on in our match today!" The setter beamed, giving you a light squeeze.

You masked the wave of nausea that hit you upon his squeeze. "Who are you guys playing against?"

Kita looked up at you, observing every detail. "A school called Karasuno."

Atsumu frowned, holding you in a protective manner. "I met their first year setter at that trainin camp I went to. Tobio-kun's a real goody-two-shoes."

You raised a brow at your boyfriend. "How so?"

"Always checked with each spiker ta see if his sets were, and I quote, 'good enough'. It's like he was purposely matching whatever the spiker wanted!"

"Isn't that what a good setter does?" You remembered when you had played in middle school- your setter always changed her set to match your preferences. So what Atsumu was saying right now just didn't make sense to you.

The fake blond furrowed his brows. "Nah. A spiker needs ta be able ta hit whatever a setter gives em. All my sets should be easy enough fer anyone ta hit!"

"No, Y/n's right. Yer just an ass, Tsumu." Osamu deadpanned at his twin.

The setter glared at his twin. "Shut yer trap Samu!"

"Language, Osamu." Kita scolded, then turned back to you. "Are you sure you feel better, Y/n? You look a little paler than usual."

"Do I?"

Atsumu, in a slight panic, quickly took a closer look at your face. "Ya do look paler! What's wrong?"

"Huh? Nothing. I'm fine. Let's go."

Suna tore his attention away from his phone. "But you didn't even eat...."

"You'll all be late if we don't hurry!" As quickly as you could, you bolted out of the room and headed towards where the coaches were waiting for everyone else.

They turned to you as you approached them. "Are the others coming?"

You nodded. "The boys should be here soon."

And soon they had arrived, still looking at you in suspicion. Unfortunately for them, they weren't given any time to question you before the coaches made everyone start heading to the stadium.

Karasuno was no joke. Even though the players on their team were definitely shorter, they were no doubt a worthy adversary.

During one of the timeouts, your team looked at you with full concern.

"Are you really ok, Y/n?" Suna raised a brow.

You had been clutching your stomach due to pain, your face showing how horrible you were feeling. But your reply was a reasonable lie. "Yeah, this game has just got my anxiety up. Those guys on the Karasuno team are pretty good."

They bought it.

Atsumu sighed in relief, smiling and giving you a tight hug- which didn't help with your stomach pains. "No need ta stress over us, darlin. We're gonna win."

"I hope you guys do. Just keep playing smart and don't get cocky- I'm talking to you, Tsumu."

The boy flinched under your hard stare. "I got it! It'll be fine."

Inarizaki lost to Karasuno.

The guys cried once they left the eyes of all the spectators.

You had went to the store and picked something up, quickly reading the instructions before using it.

Your heart sank.


My bf called me darling over text


Idk why but I just really love the endearment with darling

Of course, it doesn't help that im completely down bad and in love with this boy

Thanks for reading and I will do my best to upload even tho my health isn't the best rn
(Kinda been lightheaded and nauseous recently)
But I'll do my best to continue with this!

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