32: Not Atsumu's "Baby"

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You ignored the boy and continued conversing with Kita. "So, we should try improving the spikers' forms by-"

Atsumu tackled you into an embrace, being a clingy baby. "Why didn't ya answer me?"

Truth be told, you dislike the pet name he gave you, "baby". You preferred the one from your dreams of your boyfriend, "darlin".

You gave him a blank face, getting out of his grasp. "Didn't hear ya."

The boys noticed the distance you began putting between you and Atsumu since the very first moment he called you "baby", but none of them were too sure of what the cause was. To you, "baby or "baby girl" ended up being a total turn off. And at times, you felt that you liked your dream Atsumu better than the real one. Which is never a good thought to have about the person you're dating.

Atsumu frowned. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." You smiled faintly.

"Liar. Tell me what's wrong baby."

You frowned. "I said nothing."

It clicked in Kita's mind and he began whispering to the rest of the team. "You all notice it too, right?"

They all nodded, but none of them fully understood. "Yeah...?"

Kita continued whispering his thoughts to them. "She starts acting weird when Atsumu calls her 'baby'. I think she dislikes the nickname."

Their eyes widened. "No way...."

Osamu chuckled at the stupidity of his twin. "So Tsumu is callin Y/n somethin she doesn't like at all. That idiot."

Aran looked over at you and Atsumu in a worried fashion. "Should we tell him?"

Suna shook his head. "Nah, let him figure it out by himself. It's funny to watch them like this."

Akagi had a bead of sweat roll down his face in nervousness. "They're arguing...."

The boys turned their attention back to you and the setter. You two were, in fact, arguing. It. Was. Not. Good.

"Just tell me what's wrong!"

You glared at him. "I said nothing's wrong! Stop asking!"

Atsumu's anger boiled over, causing him to yell. "STOP LYIN! I'M YER BOYFRIEND! OR DO YA NOT WANNA DATE ME?!"

You were matching his level of anger, being pissed off yourself. "NOT IF YOU'RE GONNA BE ACTING LIKE THIS!"

In any disagreement, people are bound to say things they regret. But this time, you and Atsumu really started shouting things you didn't mean. Things you both wanted to take back the moment you said it.


You froze, realizing the exhcange between you two. "Tsumu-"

You were cut off by Atsumu leaving the gym, harshly slamming the door behind him. Your eyes were wide and filled with tears in that moment.

But you refused to cry. You took in a deep breath and turned to face the others. "Come on, practice is still going on. The coaches won't allow you to slack off, and neither will I."

The boys silently went back to practice. The gym was too quiet for you.

You immediately picked up your phone to text Atsumu.


You ok?

Your message isn't going through
Try again later

You felt more tears stinging your eyes. 'Atsumu... blocked me?'

You curled into a ball and sobbed silently, unable to contain your tears any longer. You couldn't believe everything that had just transpired. It hurt.

You finally got the guy you loved, and one fight ruins everything.

The guys had taken a quick look over and saw your curled up form trembling. It really wasn't difficult to put two and two together.

Kita sighed and walked over to you, crouching down beside you. "Wanna talk about it, Y/n?"

"He blocked me...." You mumbled.

The captain gently placed his hand on your head. "He has a bad temper. Just give him time to cool down. Ok?"

You looked up at him a bit, your red and teary eyes just slightly visible to him. "How long will that take?"

"I'm not sure.... Osamu?" He turned to look at the grey haired twin.

Osamu walked over. "It varies. But if it has somethin ta do with Y/n, he'll get over it quick." The boy gave you a reassuring smile.

You nodded. "Thanks, Samu, Kita."

Osamu dropped to your height and wrapped his arms around you. "Wanna come over later? Ma misses ya. She says Tsumu doesn't bring ya over enough."

You chuckled lightly. "Yeah, I'd love to. Thanks Samu."

He shrugged, giving a small smile - which somehow seemed kinda cocky. "Hey, it's no prob. I'm just bein the best wingman ever is all."

Yes, Osamu is simply being a good friend and brother. He really does't have any alterior motives. He never stated it out loud, but he thinks of you as the sister he never had but always wanted. The main reason Osamu was always at your house, was simply to make sure you were safe and happy. He constantly worries about you, but only in a platonic way.


The boy looked at you once you called his name. "Yeah, Y/n?"

You looked at the ground, feeling nervous. "Are you sure it's alright for me to be here?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't it be ok fer ya ta be here?"

"Tsumu and I just broke up...."

He wrapped his arms around you gently. "Tsumu needs ta calm down. It'll be alright. Ma wants ya here either way. She might even smack some sense into my dumbass twin."

You chuckled at his comment. "Ok, if you say so...."

"I do, now let's get inside."

You nodded and he opened the door.

He called into the quiet house. "MA! I'M HOME!"

"YER LATE OSAMU!" The Miya twins' mother walked out of the kitchen to scold her youngest son.

"I had ta get somethin...." Osamu muttered.

She immdiately spotted you, eyes lighting up. "Y/n! I felt like I haven't seen ya in ferever!" She ran over to give you a tight hug.

You chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah.... Sorry bout that.... Been kinda busy...."

To be continued....

How do ya think she's gonna react?

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