35: Two Broken Hearts

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The entire Inarizaki boys volleyball team was searching for you.

They hadn't had any luck in finding you.

You were still currently laying down in who knows where, getting soaked by the downpour. You stared at the sky, wondering how things came to this.

"What if I never talked to him that day? Or maybe... I should've just ignored him when I saw him at the entrance ceremony...."

"Maybe I should've left Japan with my parents...."

"Y/N! Fuck! Where is she?!"

"Atsumu, calm down." Kita instructed the panicking setter. "And language."

Atsumu turned to the captain, frowning. "How can I calm down when the love of my life is missing?!"

"Yer the one that dumped her and started being a fuckin jerk fer no reason." Osamu growled at his twin.

The boy flinched, avoiding the gazes of his teammates. "I know I fucked up. But I still love her."

Kita sighed. "You want advice?"

Hope shined in the blond's eyes. "Yes."

"She didn't seem to like it when you called her 'baby'. You should've noticed her reactions to your own actions." Kita didn't spare Atsumu so much as a quick side glance. The stone faced captain kept his eyes forward, scanning the area for any signs of you.

Suna groaned. "It's raining buckets and Y/n is nowhere in sight."

Aran shook his head, sighing heavily before turning to Atsumu. "Considering how we all ended up in this mess, I'd hate to say it but- Atsumu, you know Y/n best. Where do you think she might be?"

Atsumu froze, deep in thought for what seemed like an eternity- it was only 2 minutes. "Whenever she got upset, even before we started datin... she'd also go lay in this field."

"A field?" Akagi raised a brow. "What field?"

"Uhh... it's about... maybe 5 kilometers from here?" The setter didn't have any other ideas for where you might be- luckily, he guessed correctly.

Kita nodded. "Looks like that's where we'll go then. Show us the way, Atsumu."

Atsumu nodded and led them to the only place he could imagine you being, considering your current emotional state.

After a long ass walk (trust me, walks are always long), they finally got to the field. But they hadn't spotted you yet. They did, however, find the things you had thrown when you arrived.

"She was definitely here." Osamu recognized your belongings, considering he was the last one to see you before you went missing.

The boys stopped as they spotted a familiar figure with very noticeable h/c hair.

"She looks dead."

"Don't say that Suna!" The twins yelled at the fox like boy.

You heard voices and opened your eyes, turning your head slightly so you could see who was making noise- using your peripheral vision. Your eyes widened when you saw the entirety of the volleyball team. You immediately jolted up, into a sitting position.

You stared as some of the boys- more specifically Suna and the Miya twins- started bickering amongst themselves whike Kita scolded and the others watched. No one's attention was on you.

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