18: Party Boys

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It's the second half of the school year- still your first year in high school. Many things have happened.

For example, you fucked up your knee again and can't play volleyball ever again, you became the manager for the boys' volleyball club, and you and Kita grew closer- constantly being referred to as the team parents (mainly by the third years of the team). Your three original friends became more chaotic- you know, your stereotypical teenage boys.

"Let's throw a party."

"No." You and Kita deadpanned, faces showing exhaustion.

Atsumu frowned. "Why nooot?"

You glared. "Tired. Between you being yourself and Suna constantly texting in the middle of the night and somehow breaking into my house, I'm tired of all of y'all- except Kita."

Said boy nodded. "I feel the same. It seems that other than me, Y/n is the only sane one here."

Akagi chuckled. "The third years are right- y'all act like parents. Hey, Y/n... wanna make babies with me instead of Kita?" He sent a wink your way.

Kita glared at the libero. "Akagi- watch what you say. Try to keep sexual comments out of our conversations."

You nodded, obviously in agreement with Kita. "Yeah, I'm getting sick of all of that. Suna already tries it at 1 in the morning every night. Like, just go watch porn instead of bothering me."

"Y/n- this is technically encouraging their behavior."

You looked at Kita, grinning. "You do act like a dad."

He frowned, brows furrowed. "You're not helping me this time."

"Sorry, Kita." You took a deep breath and faced your problem children. "Ok, children. You all need to behave better cuz your dad and I are at our limits. No parties, no sexual comments or jokes, no cursing- just behave look good little kids. Got it?"

"Ok, mom." All your problem children answered you, emphasizing the "mom".

You smiled slightly, turning back to your fellow team parent. "See, I handled the kids. Wanna take a nap?"

Kita cracked a small smile, shaking his head. "Have you ever thought of being a comedian with how funny you act?"

"Once or twice."

He sighed. "And why do you participate in the 'team parent' thing? You do know that it's just the third years messing with us, right?"

You nodded. "Yeah. But they get entertained when I play along."

Atsumu whined, wrapping his arms around you from behind- placing his head on one of your shoulders. "Come on, Y/n-chan! Can we please throw a party this weekend?"

You sighed. "Where?" Giving in to Atsumu, like always.

He grinned. "Me and Samu's house. Unless ya wanna have it at your-"

"Your house. Got it. I'm guessing you're cooking, Samu?" You turned to face the grey haired twin.

Osamu nodded. "Ya got nothin ta do except just show up, Y/n."

You nodded. "Ok. You coming, Kita?"

Kita rolled his eyes. "Since mom is gonna be joining the party, I will fulfill my role as dad and keep everyone in check."

You smirked. "Wanna have a kid, dad?"

"I'm getting a divorce and leaving you with the kids."

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