27: The Boys 🙄

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"How is she so calm?"

"I think she took somethin...."

"Atsumu, stop indirectly saying that Y/n's on drugs." Kita gave Suna, Atsumu, and Osamu a hard stare.

The boys of the volleyball club were watching you as the coaches gave you a rundown of how to watch over their practice- since neither coach would be available for the next few weeks. You kept a blank face on and simply nodded to the coaches' words.

"No, she definitely took some sort of calming medicine. No way would she just calmly agree to whatever the coaches are telling her." Suna, the local "drug expert" aka "the stoner" gave his input to the situation.

At that moment, you had just walked up to the boys and had overheard Suna's statement. "Why do you assume that I'm on something whenever I'm calm?"

They all jumped at the sound of your voice at a close proximity. "Y-Y/n?!"

You grinned. "Looks like I got a whole buncha boys to babysit, huh? You're helping me, right Kita?"

The captain gave a small nod. "Of course. There aren't many people that can get these trouble makers under control." He pointed at the three troublemaking second year boys.

You giggled. "Exactly. I'm here to just keep y'all on schedule and help out with all of your needs while the coaches are out."

Atsumu smirked. "All of our needs? Does that include-"

"I'm not helping you with anything sex related, Tsumu. Get that idiotic thought out of your head right now before I spike a volleyball to your head and knock it out."

He tensed at your statement. "Sorry, Y/n-chan."

You smiled faintly and clapped your hands to gain everyone's attention. "Alright, boys! Get back to practice!"

The next week, you and Kita were running late to after school practice. There was a school meeting for all club captains and mangers (convent, right? 🙄). So the two of you felt anxious abiut leaving vice captain Ojiro Aran in charge of the chaotic team- more specifically, a certain group consisting of three second years (I don't needa clarify it any more at this point).

"You don't think they burned down the gym, do you?" Even though you had meant it as a joke, it was a worry the both of you had as an actual concern- considering who you two are talking about.

Kita mutterer ubder his breath, quickening his pace. "Let's hope not."

You nodded and continued to match his pace, heart racing at the thoughts of all the possibilities your brain had formed scenarios for. "Please don't let us walk in and find any dead bodies."

Kita's eyes widened at that thought. "I'm praying there won't be any emergencies. But keep the nurse's phone number at the ready... just in case."

You nodded, pulling out your phone and kept your thumb hovering over the school nurse's contact. "I hope we won't need this."

"Me too."

The two of you approached the gym, relieved that nothing looked wrong. At least, not from the outside.

You breathed out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness. At least it's still intact."

"So glad they haven't burned it down."

"Yet...." You added, still feeling like something bad might happened.

You two entered the gym, seeing it in total chaos. The boys were running everywhere. Aran was having a mental breakdown in the corner, crying while curlee into a ball. Akagi stood next to the poor vice captain, having already given up on trying to help and just stared at the chaos before him.

Atsumu and Suna were chasing each other around and threatening to spike volleyballs at the other's head. Ginjima was laying sprawled out the ground, looking unconscious. Maybe he already got spiked with a ball.... Or he's dead? (Kidding. No one dies here, I promise). The rest of the team was nowhere to be found.

You tried searching for Osamu, but couldn't. You let out a stressed sigh and threw your head up to face the ceiling. You opened your eyes and they immediately widened.

You let out a gasp before shouting, gainging everyone's attention and causing the chaos to cease. "I... just- how and did Osamu end up on the ceiling?!"

Atsumu and Suna spoke as if the answer was obvious. "We taped him there, duh."

You blinked, staring at the boy taped to the gym's ceiling (remember that shit is really high up). "Why did you tape him there?! And how did you even manage to do it?!"

Osamu just slowly blinked at you. "I was asleep after eating when it happened."

You let out a frustrated sigh that turned into a groan. "KITA AND I LEAVE FOR 5 SECONDS AND THIS SHIT HAPPENS!"

"It was more than 5 seconds...." Suna pointed out slowly.

You yelled at the second year boys (all 4 of em cuz we include Ginjima, who just happened to wake up when you started shouting). "YOU THREE GET OSAMU DOWN THEN GO RUN 100 LAPS AROUND THE SCHOOL!"

They looked at you in fear. "Yes ma'am!"



I GOT SCRATCHES IN THE FORM OF A SMILEY FACE (sorry if quality isn't all that good)


Hannah was craving my attention while I was doing dishes

Hannah was craving my attention while I was doing dishes

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She's so cute and precious 🥺

She was purring the entire time

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