4: Clingy Twins + Stoner?!

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Lunchtime. Quiet. Peaceful. Relaxing.
The perfect moment to take a breather and finally get some food in your system midday.

Yet, here you are with the fucking Miya twins, not having even a centimeter in between your body and theirs.

You let out a breath. "What are you two doing?"

Atsumu put his head on your right shoulder. "We're eating lunch with ya, what else?"

Osamu nodded, putting his head on your left shoulder. "We're friends. Why wouldn't we eat lunch together?"

You inhaled a breath sharply. "Let me rephrase. Why aren't you two giving me any space?"

Both twins wrapped their arms around you. "Yer the only one that can tell us apart!" They whined in unison.

You sighed. "That's sad. Fine, lean on me during lunch. Osamu, mind if I ask ya something?"

"Go ahead." He began eating his lunch again, not moving his head from your shoulder.

"Are your grades better or worse than Atsumu's?"

The twins remained silent. Atsumu whined as your words sunk in. "Y/n-chan!"

Osamu chuckled lightly. "Worse. Definitely worse."

You remained silent. ".... You two are gonna be a huge pain."

Osamu frowned. "Why? What're yer grades even like?"

"Straight A's." You say nonchalantly.

Osamu picked his head up off your shoulder, meeting Atsumu's gaze with wide eyes. "Ya never told me she's a fucking genius!"

Atsumu hugged you tighter. "Ya never asked! And besides... I kinda forgot about that conversation between me and Y/n...."

You giggled. "You two are a mess. I'm guessing you both want me to tutor you?"

"Yes, please." They had both nearly begged in unison.

You sighed. "We'll see. Don't you play volleyball, Atsumu? When do you start going to practices?"

The blond twin nuzzled against your shoulder. "Not till next week. Samu also plays, he's a wing spiker. So you get the both of us all to yerself this week!"

"Should I be happy or groan?"

He frowned. "Happy!"

"I'm just messing with you. Don't be a baby." You ruffled his hair.

Atsumu grumbled, head still on your shoulder. "Not a baby..."

You chuckled, hand still in his hair. "You're acting like one. But it's fine, I can deal with your childishness. It doesn't bother me."

Osamu raised a brow. "Really?" He pointed at his fake blond twin. "This isn't gonna annoy the everloving shit outta ya?"

You giggled, watching Atsumu begin to pout with furrowed brows. "Nah. It's kinda cute. And totally hilarious."

"Blackmail material." A voice sounded from behind you three.

You whipped around to see a boy with messy (kinda fluffy looking) dark brown hair and yellowish-grey eyes. "Who are you? And ya almost gave me a heart attack."

The boy remained void of emotion (at least from what his expression showed). He sat by you and the twins. "Suna Rintaro. First year, failing in class 1 already."

You blinked at him. "L/n Y/n, perfect student in class 5. Nice to meet you." You gave a small smile.

He nodded. "Don't bother introducing the other two. I know the Miya twins. Osamu is actually in my class... I think."

Osamu snorted. "Are ya high or something?"

Suna just stared for a moment. "Is it obvious?"

You shook your head in disappointment. "You shouldn't do that. Also... why did you come over here?"

He gave a slight (almost nonexistent) smile. "I saw them laying their heads on you and thought I could cuddle with the pretty girl too."

You broke. Overheated. Brain shutdown. You've had enough for a lifetime. And it's only halfway through your first day of high school.

You sighed, snapping out of your daze. "That's not what it was. Also... how do you know Atsumu and Osamu?"

Suna just looked at you three with a blank face. "Who doesn't know the Miya twins? Anyone who watches or plays volleyball for schools would know them. For your information, im the latter. I'm a middle blocker."

You froze, slightly tense. "I've seriously never heard of the Miya twins till i met them. What the fuck. I didn't even know Atsumu had a twin till today!"

The three boys laughed at you.

Atsumu pat your back. "It's ok, Y/n-chan. Ya know us now, so it's all ok."

Osamu nodded. "I think I prefer you not knowing who we were prior to us telling you. Better to have a real friend than a stupid obsessed fangirl."

You smiled at that. "Fuck fangirls and fanboys. I hate em all. I've dealt with them too much in middle school."

Suna smirked at this. "Oh? The princess really had a hard time with her fans?"

Your eyes widened as you stared at Suna. "You know who I am?!"

He scoffed playfully. "Duh. You're the best ace in the prefecture. Well, you were. How's your knee by the way?"

Totally forgetting about the twins existing, you continued this somewhat pleasant conversation with the boy that seems to know literally everything. "Still hurts and I was told I can't play for at least a year. It fucking sucks."

"Damn. Bet it does. I really felt bad when I watched that match. But it was cool how you kept going to the very end and won for your team. Badass."

You giggled, enjoying the compliments- something you don't really hear or get much of. "Thanks. Wish I paid more attention to the guys' matches. I kinda wanna see you play now."

"Then come to our games when we start playing, duh." He rolled his eyes, still looking at you with a playful expression. Suna was clearly enjoying this.

Atsumu finally cut into the conversation, reminding you that he and Osamu were still there. "Y/n, ya play volleyball? And ya didn't tell me?!"

"Oops." You had totally forgot that you didn't tell him ever. "Sorry, Atsumu. But yeah, I played. As Suna and I were saying, I was a wing spiker and the ace for my team. But during the finals- the last match of middle school- I hurt my knee and was told to take at least a year off. So now I'm kinda bummed and hadn't planned on joining a club. Was just gonna go straight home and prepare my study room after school."

"Nerd." Atsumu had said it just like how he did when you two had first met.

You rolled your eyes at him. "Don't say anything like that when you're pretty damn close to failing."

He shrugged, then looked at your knees. "Why didn't you say something about your knee earlier? Does it hurt right now? Should we carry you to class?"

You shook your head, smiling brightly at the boys. "I'm fine. It doesn't hurt much.... And I take pain killers daily so it shouldn't really bother me. I'll just remain careful. You don't need to worry about me. You three need to prepare yourselves for volleyball. And, all three of you! Gimme your numbers right now!"

They looked at each other and then back at you, confusion evident on their faces. "Why?"

You gave a closed eye smile, tilting your head ever so slightly to the side. "So we can contact each other. And so I can send my address. All three of you are getting tutored by me whether you like it or not! You need to keep your grades up for volleyball!"

The three beamed at you, their eyes sparkling with excitement. "Yes ma'am!"

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