Chapter 57~Are you guys together?

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Jungkook POV
"Tae. Taetae. Baby..wake up." I kissed his cheek.

He still won't budge, only shaking his head and drowning himself farther into the covers.

"You have to wake up Taehyung."

"But why!" He threw the covers off of him while whining. I smiled at his behavior. "It's Monday, we have to go to classes today."

"Don't want to!" He tried to go back under the covers but I pulled the covers off the bed and onto the floor. He huffed and reluctantly got from the bed with his arms crossed and walked into the bathroom. Now satisfied that he finally got up, I went into the kitchen to cook breakfast for us.

I was making a plate for Taehyung and I heard sloopy footsteps and a half-asleep Taehyung walking in with his head down.

I smiled and set the plates down at the table and walked over to him. "As soon as you come back from your classes you can take a nap for as long as you want." I kissed his pout.

"With you?"


"I can take a nap with you as long as I want?"

I moved some hair from out of his face, "Yes you can. Now come eat." I pulled him to the table and heard him whine again.

I was in the middle of cutting my waffles when I heard Taehyung say, "I can't take a nap with you after school."


"I have after school detention."

"Detention?!" I startled Taehyung but soon after apologize when he to dropped a piece of his waffle on the floor.

"Yes, I have after school detention."


"You know when I was arguing with Jimin last week. I was late to class and my teacher is really strict with lateness, so she gave me an after school detention that day but it was our date night so I didn't go. So now I have to go today and probably tomorrow who knows." Taehyung shrugged it off.

"Why didn't you tell me, I probably could have-"

"What cancel it? Yeah right. That's why I didn't tell you, I'm not gonna miss out on a dinner date to stare at someone lady in a classroom with a bunch of other kids that I don't like." Taehyung smiled.

"You're so bad." I shook my head and continued eating.

"But you like it when I'm bad, don't you?" He smirked.

I coughed, more like I choked when Taehyung said that. I looked at him and he was still smirking.

"Am I wrong?" He cocked his head to the side while pouting trying to look innocent.

"W-We should..." I cleared my throat. "We should get ready for class." I coughed again, "We don't want to be late." I quickly finished my waffles and got up and walked away from that table as fast as possible. Not before of course hearing Taehyung's deep chuckle.

We got dressed and left the dorm. We first walked to my class like we always do hand in hand. "I can't stay for long, I can't be late to class again."

I nodded. "Right. Don't skip detention." I pointed at Taehyung.

He pouted, "I won't. I don't want her talking to the Dean. But then again I don't want to go. Detention is sooo boring! I don't want to hear her saying how such "bad kids" we are. And "I'm the teacher and I'm always right" blah blah blah." I smiled at him and leaned down to kiss him.

"It's only for today and when you get back we can cuddle all night." Taehyung smiled at that.

"Yes! Because you owe me millions of cuddles."

Euphoria {Taekook}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें