Chapter 53~So clingy

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Taehyung POV
Sunlight was coming in through the curtain and onto me. I turned away from the window and pulled the covers over me. I heard a groan and felt the sheets move from off of me.

I whined and reached my hand out to grab the covers back. I heard a deep sigh and felt moving next to me. "Tae." I shook my head not wanting to get up. "Tae." I was being shaken by Jungkook. I groaned loudly and sat up throwing the covers off of me.

I turned to look at a half sleepy Jungkook with messy hair staring back at me.


"You're taking all the covers."

"No I'm not!" I whined, wanting to go back to sleep.

"You're not?" Jungkook gestured with his hands over his body and showed no sheets on him but on me.

And the floor.

"Sorry." I whispered and picked the blankets from off the floor. I put them back on Jungkook and went to lay back down. Strong arms made their way around me as I yelped from being pulled closer to Jungkook.

I smiled to myself and ran my fingers through Jungkook's hair, So clingy. I looked around my room.

Wait, this isn't my room. How did I get here?

Actually, I don't remember coming into the dorm at all. "Did you carry me last night?"

Jungkook nodded. "You're very light."

I shook my head. "Jungkook, the dorm is so far away from the car. Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Because I know you get cranky when you miss out on sleep. Plus you looked so peaceful, so I didn't want to wake you up."

I blushed and leaned over to kiss him on the lips, seeing a small smile appear on his lips.

"What was that for?"

"Being my boyfriend." I snuggled closer to him.

Jungkook POV
I woke up and saw that Taehyung wasn't next to me, instead a body pillow was. I got up and streached, looking around my room for Taehyung.

Where is he?

I got up from my bed and walked into Taehyung's room. Still no Taehyung. I went into the living room hoping to find Taehyung but the living room was neatly clean but still no Taehyung.

I scratched the back of my neck and walked in the kitchen. No Taehyung. Okay now I'm starting to get worried.

I ran back into my room to find my phone. I looked all over my room, in the sheets, under the bed, in the bathroom, the living room again but still couldn't find my phone...

Because it was on the nightstand where I put it last night. I facepalmed myself.

I picked up my phone and saw a text from Taehyung that was sent 10 minutes ago:

-I know that you're probably tearing the living room apart looking for me but I'm okay, I'm at the hair store getting our hair dye.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I texted him back.

-Okay, please be back soon😘

-So clingy😂

I pouted at Taehyung's message and crossed my arms.

So what if I'm clingy?

I looked around my room looking for something to do. I walked past Taehyung's room and saw Tata and Cooky sitting on his bed. I smiled and kept walking until I reached the living room. I plopped down on the couch and wow it's really boring without Taehyung here.

Out of boredom, I took out my phone and decided to go in my recent pictures. One of Taehyung and I in the bathroom mirror of the restaurant. Also pictures of Taehyung and I on our date and oh! A picture of Taehyung sleeping in the car.

I'm not a creep I swear!

It's just how someone could look so good and peaceful while sleeping. Anyways, I kept scrolling down and down on my photos and came across one picture that made me sad.

A picture of Jimin and I at my old house. We were sitting on my old bed in my old room playing video games. We looked so young and Jimin's hair color was different.

Back then his hair was his hair was orange but now it's purple. Well at least my hair color is still the same.

I stared at my phone before turning my phone off and throwing it across the couch. It's crazy how someone that you've been friends with for so long now becomes strangers because your best friend was secretly in love with you and you didn't even know.

How one day you guys were close and the next you guys act like you don't know each other. I just want my best friend back. I want to put all this past Jimin and I so that we can become close like we used to before.


I nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw Taehyung standing in front of me with bags in his hands.

How did I not here him come in?

"What's wrong?" He crouched down in front of me.

I smiled, "Nothing. So did you get the dye?"

"Oh right!" Taehyung reached for the black bag and pulled out three boxes of hair dye. One red, one pink, and one blonde. He smiled, "See? Now let's get started!" He picked up the red hair dye and pulled me to the bathroom.

I was nervous, I'm not gonna lie. I never had my hair dyed before. My parents would never let me because they said that it wouldn't look good on me and that it would damage my hair so I never took the risk.

But here I am, now taking this risk.

"Wait! Y-You do you know what you're doing right?" I bit my lip nervously. He pulled my arm until we reached the bathroom and he made me sit on the toilet.

"Of course, do you know who dyed Jimin's hair?"

I shook my head. "Me of course!" He said proudly, putting his hands on his hips. Ahh so he's the one that dyed Jimin's hair purple.

"Now, I do have to bleach your hair because you have a natural dark color. Are you okay with that?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I trust you."

He smiled. "Good! Now let's get started!"

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