Chapter 30 | Reveal

Start from the beginning

The only thing that I have to worry about now is Blake. He's been gone for three days; no texts or calls, just radio silence on his part.

It scares me not to hear from him. After what Elise told me last night about his mischievousness, I can't help but wonder if she's right. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt and stay on his side, but it's hard since he hasn't been here. Worrying about him is the last thing I should be doing, but I can't help it.

Sitting in front of this packed suitcase gives me no hope of his return. I leave in six hours, and after that, I will never see anyone again, just my family and a select few of my closest friends. That's how I want it, no strings attached.

If he decides to show up at my house, I'm scared of what he may think. With just my parents home and my brother with me in the hospital, he'll wonder where I am. Asking my parents to lie is not something that I want to continue doing, so I guess he'll eventually figure out what I've been hiding for so long.

Festering inside of me is all of his possible reactions.

Blake could be angry at me for keeping my leukemia from him. He could be upset that I didn't tell him earlier. He may even be annoyed at the fact that he was in the dark about everything. But most of all, I think he will be broken. Everyone that I have told has immediately started sobbing uncontrollably. I don't want that for him. He doesn't deserve to be sad over a girl that is going to be dead in a few months anyway.

I hear two knocks on my door and quickly get up from my hardwood floor.

"Come in," I announce after adjusting my sweatpants and fixing my hair.

"Hey," Grant reveals himself by slowly opening the tall door. He is wearing grey gym shorts and a black muscle t-shirt with a backward navy blue baseball hat. His sweat-ridden back gleams in the dim lighting of my curtained bedroom.

"I just wanted to check on you before dad, and I take a couple of things over to the hospital," He adjusts his hat, revealing his large biceps. Somehow, they have almost doubled in size since I last paid attention to them. How much has this man been working out?

"OH, okay," I sputter, frazzled by his sudden appearance. Running around my room, I pick up a couple of stuffed animals and sentimental items that wouldn't fit in my suitcase.

"These and my suitcase are ready to go," I voice while piling the stuff in his arms. My squirrel stuffed animal still lies on my bed untouched. I make a mental note to grab it before leaving the house for the last time.

"Okie Dokie," He chuckles while heading downstairs with the stuff. He promptly returns for the suitcase and does not close the door on his way out.

As I walk over to my bed to lie down, Grant returns to my room for the third time.

"There's nothing else," I inform him while plopping down on my memory foam mattress.

"I know," He sighs as he takes off his sneakers and hat. Shuffling over to my bed, he leaves a trail of sweat on the hardwood floor.

"No! Stop, don't lie down! You're a ball of sweat!" I exclaim.

"I know," He murmurs as he rests his head on the pillow next to mine. His eyes close, and his lips push to the side, creating a duck face. He looks ridiculous.

"What am I going to do with you?" I sigh as I brush his long hair out of his eyes.

He grunts and turns his head the other way, shielding himself from my annoyance. His hands are stained black and look to be from oil. His legs are covered in dust and dirt. He looks like he just emerged from a cave.

"What have you been doing?" I question.

"Working," He states exhaustedly.

His chest moves up and down as he lies limp on my white comforter. What kind of work would make him this tired?

"Where?" I ask while getting up to grab a towel for his sweaty back. He sits up and wipes his forehead with my pillow, causing it to become stained with dirt and oil.

"Really, Grant?" I convey.

"Huh," He cluelessly objects.

"Never mind," I sigh as I throw him the towel.

"But really, where do you work that you are so tired?"

"Dad found me a job at his oil extraction company, and today was my first day," He pants while taking a gulp from my nightstand water bottle, "Since I'm graduating in a few months, they are letting me work part-time until the summer. Then, I'll be fully employed and have a full-time job."

"Wow, so you're basically set up for life," I say as I sit in the rocking chair in the corner of my room.

"Yep," He sighs while pushing back his dirty golden locks.

"That's good. I was getting worried that I would have to leave you to fend for yourself," I joke.

He doesn't seem to find this funny because he swiftly sits up and begins to bounce his left leg.

"Don't talk like that, Brynne. You're going to fight this cancer and get out of the hospital in no time."

"Even if I die, it's going to be okay," I reason, "You'll have mom and dad to guide you when times get tough. And I'll always be looking out for you."

He shakes his head and leans into my headboard.

His denial is only going to take him so far. I wish that he could get out of his hard head and realize that not everything is fine and dandy. There is a high chance that I am going to die from leukemia, and he needs to be ready for that.

"If I die, and I'm not saying that I will, but if I do, can you promise me something?" I plead while looking into his golden brown eyes

Grant nods reluctantly as he lifts his head and hears what I have to say.

"You have to promise me that you will move on from my death. Promise me that my cancer will not scare you from living life the way that it should be lived. Take that risk and buy that lottery ticket. Be spontaneous and go on that special cruise. Don't be afraid to fall in love with someone that truly cares about you. Don't be afraid to put yourself out there and of getting hurt. Part of life is falling and losing. The part that is rewarding is the part where you have to get back up. Rebuild yourself from the remains left behind and create something stronger than before. It's like you always told me; the warriors with scars are the strongest ones."

He gets up to hug me while coughing back tears stuck in his throat. But the sounds of his chokes are not the only ones in the room.

My eyes drift to the doorway where someone has been standing this entire time. Someone that should not have heard that conversation and shouldn't even be here.

"You have cancer?" Blake stammers as he drops his bouquet of fresh roses to the floor.

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