,,Look for yourself." Serena takes the notebook and then starts reading seriously. Serena looks at me sometime later. ,,Wow, that's deep. You wrote this for your ex-girlfriend?"

,,Yes, but she won't hear it. I failed her. I mean, if she truly loved me she wouldn't move on, right?" I take back the notebook.

,,She's very stupid to let you go. I mean, you're very sweet and easy to talk to. I'm sure we will become close friends."

,,I don't need friends. Everyone I cared about betrayed me, even my friends." I put the notebook back in my backpack. ,,I just need someone to talk to for a while."

,,I can be that person for you, if you want." Serena smiles. ,,I understand your hesitation about making new friends and connecting to anyone. Believe me or not, but I was a new girl in town too and I put up my guards too. But I was miserable. And if I hadn't let someone in, I think I would've drowned in it." That was beautiful. Maybe I can let her in.

,,Thank you for the advice." She nods and not long after the waiter sets our lunches on the table, wishing us a good meal. I take a bite and moan, just because it's delicious.

,,That good, huh?" Serena smiles and takes a bite from her sandwich too. Just as I'm about to take another bite, I startle by someone calling out my name.

,,Auntie Beca!" Small arms come around my neck, while the small figure sits on my lap. I hold the person back a little, so I can see who called me and see Arwen in front of me. This means Emma isn't far behind.

,,Hey Arwi." I say her nickname which makes her smile. I can never be mad at children.

,,Arwen, you can't run off like that. Your father -" I hear Emma say but when she sees me she stops talking. ,,Beca!" She seems happy to see me.

,,Go back to your mother, Arwi." I tell my little niece and she nods after which she goes back to Emma. Tim appears too and now I roll my eyes, ignoring them, and turn towards Serena.

,,Can you tell me more about your friends?" I ask the blond girl in front of me, who seems surprised I choose to ignore the woman and man who just walked in. Luckily she doesn't ask questions.

,,Okay, if you're sure." Serena looks toward Emma for a small moment before continuing to speak. ,,Nate Archibald was the first friend I made when I first moved to New York. He lives in a gracious townhouse right off Park Avenue on the exclusive Upper East Side. His mother owns a summer chateau in Nice, France."

,,Nice, maybe we can go there someday. I always wanted to go to Europe." I tell her honestly.

,,Beca?" Serena looks up, at the same time as me. Emma is standing next to me.

,,Can't you see that we're in the middle of a conversation?" I ask my sister with annoyance in my voice. Trying to ignore her completely, I take the last bite of my sandwich as my eyes fix on Serena.

,,I can see that, but -"

,,Then leave us alone!" I say frustrated and stand up. ,,Come on Serena, we're going back." Serena nods and gives an apologizing look to Emma.

,,Beca, please. I haven't seen you in three years!" Emma tries to stop me.

,,You betrayed me, Em!" I yell at her as I turn around to face her. I see Tim walking out of the diner with Arwen. ,,You knew Chloe cheated on me and you aren't even mad at her! How can you be cool with Chloe being married to Chicago?! You should be furious!"

,,Married?" Emma says and is new to that information. Or pretends to.

,,So don't pretend you care about me, because you don't!"

,,But Beca, Chloe -"

,,Stop!" I yell and take Serena's hand. ,,We're going and you're staying here!" Before Emma can say something else, I pull Serena out of the diner and back to Republic Records.

Back inside Republic Records, I walk towards the booth where Sutton told me to meet a colleague who can help me but when I'm there, there is nobody. I raise my eyebrows, feeling a headache coming up. Seeing Emma made me angry. She pretended she didn't know about the marriage but according to Stacie, she's with Chloe all this time. You don't lie to your sister, right? I rub my forehead and close my eyes, breathing in and out to try to calm down the pain. This much betrayal isn't good for me.

,,Need an aspirin?" I startle by the voice and open my eyes. No way! I slowly turn around. Once she sees my face, she smiles. ,,Hey Beca." She wants to come over to me, but I take a step backward.

,,Yes to the aspirin, but please stay away from me."

,,Beca, please. We're friends." She says and I give her a look.

,,We were friends, not anymore. You betrayed me!"

,,How did I betray you?"

,,How?!" I try to contain my anger towards the younger Bella. ,,You knew about Chicago! You knew she was cheating on me and what did you do? Nothing, completely nothing! Nobody of you thought of me, not once! Hell, you didn't even believe I could be still alive! So don't say we're friends because we are not!"

,,Chloe had sex with Chicago yes. She did get pregnant, yes but she didn't know what she was doing." I laugh now.

,,Oh come on, people who are having sex know exactly what they're doing! Don't make up lame excuses for Chloe. I know everything that happened. Stacie told me everything!"

,,What exactly did she tell you?"

,,That doesn't matter." I say and rub my forehead again. ,,Now can I please have an aspirin?" Emily nods and gives me two. I slowly put them in my mouth and swallow them with water.

,,Beca?" Emily asks me carefully. I turn towards her. ,,Can we please work together? I wanted to work with you ever since I step foot at Barden University." I sigh frustrated.

,,Give me one reason why I would work with you."

,,Because we could be a good team, and isn't it nice to have someone you already know?"

,,I agree, we could be a good team and I'm willing to try." Emily smiles. ,,But we can't be friends anymore. Not after everything that happened. We're going to be colleagues but that's it, okay?" Emily smiles and nods. ,,Good." We sit down and Emily reads the song. I don't know if this is going to work, but I can try.

Life changes ( sequel to love never dies )Where stories live. Discover now