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Jungkook's mother owned an old car from around the year he was born. It has a bunch of problems such as no air conditioning, radio only gets one channel, and the passenger side door was missing the handle. Jungkook would have used the car, but his mom was currently out. Most likely a bar.

Jungkook grabs the old bike that he uses to get around, making sure the gun was safely secured before riding down the dirt road. He really wanted to get rid of this gun and hopefully get a good amount of money for it. He decided to head to the pawn shop across town.

It took him a while to get out of the more rual part and into regular neighborhoods. A few blocks later he was in the heart of town where the upper class lived. Large, spacious houses with beautiful yards aligned the road. He passes by new cars on the side of the road, and he wondered if Jimin lived in any of the huge houses he rode by.

Jungkook turns out of a neighborhood and on to a busy road. He uses the sidewalk to ride on as he makes his way to the establishment. When he finally reaches the parking lot, he stops to catch his breath. Those five miles felt like thirty. He turns is head when a sleek, black Range Rover pulls up behind him. Jungkook couldn't see who it was because of the tinted windows, and decided to move away since they parked right up his ass.

The car door opens and Jimin hops out, shutting the door. Jungkook pauses, surprised to see Jimin here. His surprise fades when his anger returns for the blond.

"Jungkook!" Jimin calls, "I saw you on the side of the road. What are you doing?" He was now close enough to see Jungkook's glare.

"You mad?"

"Fuck off, Jimin," Jungkook mumbles, setting his bike against the building.

"No, why are you mad?"

Jimin steps in front of Jungkook to stop him from walking away. Jungkook clenches his jaw. He was not in the mood for this.
"If anyone should be mad here, it's me," Jimin starts, "you threw the lunch I bought you away."

Jungkook scoffs. "Are you serious? Who the fuck do you think you are? I am not some charity case that you can use to feel good about yourself. I told your ass I didn't want you to buy my anything!" Jungkook's glare had Jimin slightly afraid.

He shakes his head, "I didn't think of it like that. I was being a good-"

"Good what? I saw your smile. Taehyung and I are not that desperate that we need you to save us from starvation. I had it handled and just because you have money you think you can do whatever you please," Jungkook has backed jimin up agaisnt the wall as he angrily talks, "I can take care of my goddamn self."

Jimin gapes at him. He was ashamed that Jungkook thinks of him this way. His dark glare really made Jimin want to melt.

"I thought I was doing the right thing, okay?" Jimin replies, his voice soft and shy.

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