"It's great to see you guys, too," I hugged her back.

As Mrs Weasley pulled away from the hug, her hands lowered to mine. She held them outward from my body as her gaze shifted to my stomach, "Oh, thank goodness," She sighed in relief to herself.

My face twisted with confusion, "What?"

"Oh—nothing, Dear. It's just that..." She stammered, " Well, I read that article about you and Cedric, and we—I thought...but you're not. So, everything's fine."

My eyes bulged almost entirely from my skull as I blanched. The redness from the embarrassment rapidly replaced my sudden drainage of colour. She had to be referring to the article where Rita told all her readers that I was pregnant with Cedric's baby. What else could it have been?

My head shook frantically, "Oh no, no, Mrs. Weasley! That never happened! I was never—It was a lie!"

George burst into laughter as the occupants at the table stifled their own behind their cups and some heavy lip-biting. Fred, however, spluttered his beverage.

"Mum!" He protested through choking coughs, "We told you Rita has been lying in all her articles."

As his throat finally cleared, Fred gave her a look that practically screamed, 'I can't believe you just said that!'

George, still fighting with his guffaws, wiped a tear from his eye, "Don't worry, Lettie. She also thought Hermione over here actually broke wittle Hawwy's heart," He cooed with baby talk and a hand over his chest, pinching Harry's cheek.

Then he cracked up again and doubled over, almost nearly lying on the table. He was finding himself way too funny right now.

"That's enough, George," Mr Weasley admonished his son while pulling his lips into a thin line. With crossed arms, his head tilted low, attempting to hide his own snickers.

George's laughter finally stopped when he cleared his throat and stood up next to Angie. His postured straightened as he puffed his chest proudly and gestured towards her, "Mum, Dad, Bill, this is my girlfriend, Angelina."

"So, this is the girl you've been writing to me about," Bill gave her a friendly grin.

"It's so lovely to finally meet you, Angie Dear. I suspect I'll be knitting an extra sweater next Christmas," Mrs Weasley chimed cheerfully.

Grateful the attention was finally on someone else, I slid down next to Fred and hid my face in my hands. I just wanted to keep going until I disappeared completely, "That was brutal."

Fred chuckled and patted my shoulder, "You should have seen your face. So worth it."

Harry leaned over the table and whispered, "If you think that was bad, wait until Cedric's parents get here."

I drugged my hands down my face and glared at him through my parted fingers, "Trust me, we've already had that talk with them. His mom even sent him a howler!" Then his words actually registered with me, "Wait, Cedric's parents are here too?"

Harry nodded, "All the Champions' families are here. Cedric wanted me to tell you he'll join you after showing his parents around the castle. Don't know why they insisted on it. It's not like anything has changed. That dad of his is a real piece of work. Good luck with that one."

I giggled lightly, "I think I'll manage."

After catching up with everyone, I leaned over to Fred and whispered, "Is your brother staring at Fleur?"

Fred took a bite of his chicken and started talking before he even finished chewing, "I tried to talk to Ron about that, but at this point, he's just a creep."

If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now