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You watched Tony sigh and fight back tears as he walked to you before pulling you into his arms.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered. "I never wanted anything to happen to you."

You pulled back and could see that Tony had been dripping with guilt.

A sigh left your lips as you looked around at the tower and realizing how much it had changed since the battle of New York happened. Tony had completely changed the layout of each of the eight uppermost floors, giving each its own personality that was linked to who the floor had 'belonged' to on the original Avengers team.

While you had been known as Miss Americana since you had woken up from the ice, Tony had known better that you were more than the colors of the American flag. You were an adventurer and had a wandering soul. You were more than Steve Rogers' sidekick, you were Y/N Barnes— an art aficionado, lover of all things history, and a creature of the night. He knew you almost as well as Steve, Thor, and Bucky.

"I want you to take the jet," Tony finally said as he broke the silence. "Go wherever you need to, whenever you need to."

"Tony, are you sure?"

"More than anything," he replied before turning to Steve. "Cap, take care of our girl."

"With every last breath," Steve replied with a curt nod.

You wanted more than anything to object leaving. You wanted to stay in New York where you had rebuilt your life from the ashes but knew it was dangerous until every last member of Hydra had been captured or killed.

"I've had Pepper put a few extras on the jet for you both," Tony said as he began walking to the jet with you, Steve, Thor, and Bucky walking along.

"Tony," you sighed and stopped, only for him to stop walking.

"What is it?"

"Please take care of my brother," you replied with furrowed brows. "You can't let anything happen to him."

Tony nodded in understanding.

As the five of you got to the jet, Steve threw your bags inside and you stood facing your brother with tears streaming down your cheeks.

"It's all going to be okay," Bucky said as he tried to not only reassure you, but reassure himself.

"I can't lose you again, Buck," you whispered as he pulled you into a tight embrace.

"I can't believe my little sister is worried about me," he teased.

"Always have been, always will be. That definitely won't change," you replied with a small smile. "Do me one favor."


"Stay alive," you replied, your gaze holding his.

"You won't be gone forever," Bucky replied.

"Hopefully not but I need you to be here when I get back. Got it?"

"Got it," Bucky replied as he pulled you into another tight hug.

"We'll all take care of one another," Thor chimed in. "I give you my word."

"Thank you," you replied as you turned towards the god and placed a soft kiss on his cheek before looking to your brother. "Buck, don't do anything stupid until we get back."

"How can I?" Bucky questioned, a brow raised as a hint of a smirk played on his lips. "You're taking all the stupid with you."

Through your tears, you were able to crack a smile.

"You two be safe," Tony sighed.

"Steve, you'd better take care of my sister," Bucky said loudly as you boarded the jet.

"You know I will," Steve replied as he emerged from within the jet.

You gave Bucky, Thor, and Tony one last look before climbing on board and into the copilots seat. Within moments, Steve sat beside you and started to get everything turned on and ready on the jet.

"I wish there was some other way," Steve replied softly.

"I do too."

You sighed and pulled your seatbelt down, letting it click as it became secure.

"You know that I'd never let anything happen to you as long as I can control it, right?" Steve asked as he turned towards you.

"I know," you sighed. "And I'm extremely grateful for that but I was just getting used to life going good, you know? And then I got shot and lost the baby and then you went away."

"Honestly, I thought you wanted to be with Thor," Steve replied. "Everything between you two is just so..."

"Natural," you cut him off. "But it's because for years, he's all I really had. He loved me when I didn't even know who I was anymore and he supported me through changes and sacrifices. Thor Odinson will always be a part of my story and part of me will always love him but I'm not in love with him anymore, Steve. I've been in love you with you since before I even knew what love was. You've been in my life since I was four years old. I'm in love with you, you crazy old man."

Steve couldn't help but smile to himself.

"We do have a lot of history, don't we?" Steve asked with a chuckle before standing over you to press his lips to yours.

"Just a little bit," you muttered against his lips before he moved to sit down.

"Ready to get going?"

"Where to?" You questioned.

"Tony has an island just off of the coast of Greece," Steve said softly.

"Not surprised. Continue."

"He's offered it to us. Just us and he's arranged for necessities to be dropped off twice a week with no contact so nobody knows we are the ones staying there."

"Let's do it then," you said softly. "Let's go to Greece."

Steve gave you a nod and put his belt on as he fired the engines.

"What a familiar situation," you sighed.

"What do you mean?"

"You and me on some sort of aircraft trying to save something, or in this case, someone," you muttered.

"I'm having a little bit of deja vu too," he admitted. "This time we won't end up in ice."

"I'm holding you to that," you teased.

As the jet took off, Steve guided it over lower Manhattan and then over Brooklyn, flying into nothing but darkness as the sun set behind the two of you and a new future lay in front of you.

When We Were YoungOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz