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One Year Later

Oakley's POV

Things have been going fairly well since a year ago. We've all gotten jobs, so that we didn't have to keep stealing, and that really helped with Henry's anxiety. We've become a bit like a family, you could say, the closest to a family that we'll ever get. Henry and Brayden got together; Koko was really excited about that. Apparently, Koko knew how they each felt, but was sworn to secrecy by both of them, we all found that pretty funny. I had no clue, neither did Violet, so at first, we were a bit surprised, but still supportive. We have to admit that they are definitely good for each other. It all made much more sense when they told us. Our lives are starting to move up hill, and maybe now we can have a normal life, or somewhat normal, at least as close as we can get to normal. It's crazy to think that a couple of years ago I was by myself, at my old run-down home, I still visit a couple times a month to water Oak Tree, and to sit on my swing. We were thinking about all moving into my old house and renovating it, so it wasn't as expensive and so that we had more space. It's a good idea, maybe soon we will, but for now we're all happy and enjoying our new life. I'm so glad I met these guys, otherwise, I would never have been happy. "Oakley! Come on, I made dinner!" I hear Koko yelling from the kitchen. Oh right. Family dinner, this will be nice.


Author here, thank you so much for reading, Lost Boy is finally finished, I'm kinda sad that this is my last author note on this book, thank you all so much for everything, you guys have motivated me to write so much, thank you all again, and for the last time here, have a great day/night and look after yourselves. See you soon 😊

275 words

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