Chapter Six - The City

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We must have been running for hours, but at least Violet seems to know where we're going. We walk for probably 10 minutes, after not being able to run any further, and then I see The City. I've never seen anything like this! It's incredible. We run around The City, Violet showing me different places I've never been before. We don't have any money so we can't get anything, but we like just looking at all the new things. We decide to stay somewhere in The City, just for the night so we can keep exploring tomorrow, without having to run for hours.

What we thought would be one day turned into a week, a week of exploring and chasing each other around town. Today I want to see The Rocket, the biggest skyscraper in the whole city! I shake Violet, hard, to wake her up. "Violet, come on, wake up! I want to see The Rocket! Sneak up to the top floor! It'll be fun!" She reluctantly rolls onto her back and mumbles something that I can't quite hear. She then sits up and tiredly says, "Fine." I jump up and grab two granola bars out of my backpack and hand one to her. "Thanks." She mumbles. Because we couldn't pay for anywhere to stay, we ended up sleeping on a random rooftop, hoping that no one would see us or call the cops on us. We run into the market to grab some of their free samples, before running over to The Rocket. The Rocket has security cameras everywhere, even in the elevator, so we can't just go up the elevator to the top floor, but we have a plan. There is a vent above the outside of the elevator, just high enough that the cameras can't see it and it leads to a compartment above the elevator big enough to fit me and Violet into it. We will need to press a button inside the elevator to go to the top floor and be in the compartment at the same time, so I will be in the compartment while Violet presses a button and puts something in the way of the door, so she can walk back out and climb into the compartment. As soon as Violet goes into the elevator it will alert the security team and she will have to be fast to get into the compartment, then the guards will remove the thing blocking the elevator and it will be sent to the top floor, then we get out, as simple as that.

We carry out our plan and make it to the top floor. We take our time admiring the view, before we get caught. Then I hear guards coming so I tell Violet to get into the compartment and make a loud noise and press a button sending the other elevator down as if we went in that one so the guards would take our one. The guards hop into the elevator that we're hiding in and send it down to the bottom floor. When the coast looks clear of guards and people we hop out of the compartment and out of the vent, then we run out of the building, and back to our rooftop. "Today was fun, but exhausting!" Violet says. "Yeah, I'm glad I listen to you about coming to The City."

Author here, it will start to get more exciting from here on I promise, hope you're enjoying the book, have a great day/night and look after yourselves! See you soon 😊

563 words

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