Chapter Seven - More Than Just The Two Of Us

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TW: Mentions of past abuse, alcoholic references (it's not actually bad but I have to put a TW just incase it does trigger some people, but it's very brief and not at all explicit, just mentions so yeah 😊)

Even though it's midnight right now, Violet wants to go exploring, she really is a nightmare sometimes. What am I going to do with her? We creep down the alleyway next to the building on, trying desperately not to make any sound. We hear something, no someone and we stop dead in our tracks, frozen like icicles. "Whaaaatttt arrrrre youuuu twoooo doinggg hereee?" They slur. I can hear Violet's breath quicken, and I quickly realise that the person is drunk. I turn around slowly to see an older man with a bottle of alcohol in his hand and he looks like he hasn't slept in days. Violet turns around and her eyes grow wider with fear and she starts to hyperventilate. "How did he find me?" She whispers to herself. What? How does she know him? And how did he find us? I don't know what's going on but I know that I have to get Violet out of here! "You really do ruin everything!" I hear him yell at Violet.

Flashback Violet's POV when she was younger

"I wish you never came into our lives! You're an awful person! You ruin everything!"

End of Flashback and back to Oakley's POV

I was about to yell something back at him and attempt to get Violet away from him, when I hear, "Hiyah! Take that you idiot! That will teach you!" I stop and stare at the scene in front of me, a girl just beat the crap out of who I assumed to be Violet's father. He was lying there on the ground with the girl standing in front of him. "Koko." She says holding her hand out to me. I don't understand the hand gesture, but I reply, "Oakley, and that's Violet." Violet thanks Koko for saving her from her father and Koko offers for us to come and stay with her gang. I guess now it was more than just the two of us.

Author here, see chapter isn't that bad, it was for the story line okay, it starts to get a little more exciting 😊, Have a great day/night and look after yourselves! See you soon 😊

365 words

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