Chapter Eleven - Arrested

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I hear a loud wailing noise that I assume is sirens, police. Violet is just ignoring it and carrying on with the mission. "Violet leave it, we have to go!" I whisper shout at her. "Fine. Only because I don't want to get arrested." We grab our bags and jump into the air vent. I hear banging and shouting. It's hard to make out what they're saying but I can just make out a few things. "GET ON THE GROUND!" And "HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK!" I think they're arresting someone, but who? Koko's out the back with the van and I thought Henry and Brayden were with her, I'm with Violet. So, who? We crawl through the air vents and after probably ten minutes of crawling, we finally make it to the exit, the vent outside the building. We climb down from the vent and see the van. We run over to the van and see Koko driving and Henry opens the door for us. Where's Brayden? We get into the van and show Henry the bags while Koko gets us out of there. "Where's Brayden?" I ask concerned. "H-he, g-got, arrested." Henry stutters and starts to get upset, his eyes filling with tears. Violet gets up from her seat and hugs him. We've been here long enough to know that Henry and Brayden are really close, they're like brothers. I also get up and hug him and he cries silently. "Henry, we'll come back for him, I promise." Koko assures him.

Brayden's POV

I am once again sitting in the back of a cop car, waiting. Just waiting, to be thrown in jail. I zone out and stare out the window blankly. I am glad it was me out of anyone there. I know how to handle myself. Henry would have freaked out and probably would have had a panic attack. Oakley and Violet have never been to jail so they probably would be scared and not know what to do. Koko, yes, she can handle herself, but the others need her, she's the boss. Besides I know they're going to come for me, and they will succeed. This isn't our first prison break.

Author here, don't really know what to write here so, have a great day/night and look after yourselves! See you soon 😊

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