Chapter Nine - Mischief

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This gang is full of mischief! Henry is the child; he is the only morning person in the group, so he wakes us up every morning by firing a blank gunshot. Koko is the boss; she plans all the schemes and heists. Brayden is the errand boy; he does all the dirty work. Violet and I are the ones who carry out the plans, as we are small and can fit into tight spaces. Overall, we make a pretty good team. I just hope that we don't get caught because I don't want any run-ins with the police. I don't want to go to jail and neither do the others. We just do what we do to survive.

"Ok, everyone listen up! Today we are hitting up the jewellery store to get enough money for this week's mortgage payment." Koko states, "Braden we need the usual Code J supplies, Henry scope out the assets and threats, entries and exits, and Violet and Oakley come with me." Brayden and Henry leave the room and I hear the elevator ding, then me and Violet follow Koko into her room. Koko hands me and Violet skin-tight, black suits to wear to help us break in. We put them on, and we all wait in the lounge room for Brayden and Henry to get back. We hear the elevator ding and the door open and close, then Brayden and Henry walk into the room and join us on the couch. Brayden hands me and Violet a box each and Henry gives us the run-down of what to expect. "Two entries, both public entrances for viewing and four exits, two public, two for employees only. There is a ventilation system big enough for you to fit in and one of the exits at the back of the building has an entry point to it. There are 20 security cameras, 12 inside the store, easily spottable and avoidable, 5 cameras on the upstairs employ only level and the rest in the room you need to get into but if you crawl, they can't spot you, the vent is in a spot the cameras can't see and if you crawl up to it and get in fast no one will know." He hands us a map with all the info on it and we walk out of the apartment and into the elevator.

When we get to the jewellery store, we go around the back and in through the exit circled on the map. We open the door and crawl up to the vent, we carefully unscrew the vent and hop in, closing it behind us. We follow the directions on the map, until we end up in the stock room. It's dark and the boxes we need are barely visible, but we can't turn the on lights because of the cameras and we manage to get the two small boxes that we need and crawl back into the vent. We make our way back to the small room leading to the exit and we leave the building and see our getaway car. Koko and Henry are sitting there waiting, in a black van and they drive over to us. "Did you get it?" Koko asks and I nod. "Good, get in!" Henry says and he opens the door on the side of the van. We climb into the van and take a seat next to Henry. That was a long day, and a mischievous one!

Author here, told you it starts to get more exciting 😊, thanks for the reads means a lot to me that people like my book, Have a great day/night and look after yourselves! See you soon 😊

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