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17. A Bird In A Gilded Cage

"Don't walk there" Caroline snapped, as Aria entered the Red Skull bar, "I just washed that".

"Geez, someone's got her grumpy pants on" Aria commented, jumping over the bar and grabbing her self a bottle of bourbon, "Why are you cleaning this bar again?".

"The blood of the guys we ate was everywhere, so now I'm returning Skull Bar to the way we found it" Caroline replied.

Aria lifted her glass of bourbon in the air, "Here's to the idiotic Caroline Forbes, who cares about the way we leave a bar even after turning her humanity off".

"We go to school here, Aria" Caroline reminded, as Aria downed her drink, "I don't know about you but I want to keep going to school here, the second that we draw any suspicions, break ins, broken property, dead bodies, people will try to interrupt our routine, and then you and I will end up rotting in a cell somewhere instead of what we should be doing, which for you is getting drunk, and for me is preparing for my audition tomorrow".

Aria chuckled, "Don't tell me you're auditioning for the school play" she said.

"Musical" Caroline corrected, "And obviously, duh, I'm a drama major".

"Question" Aria said, "What will you do if I got the role instead of you?".

Caroline glared at Aria, "Do you want me to murder you?".

Aria smirked, "I'll like to see you try" she replied.

"Aria, don't come between me and my audition" Caroline warned.

Aria grabbed her bottle of bourbon and walked out the bar, "I think that's exactly what I'm going to do" she said, "May the best vampire win".

Caroline glared at her sister, who in turn just gave her a mock smile and walked out the bar.


Caroline stood in the middle of the auditorium, auditioning for the musical.

"But that wouldn't change the fact, that wouldn't speed the time, once the foundation's cracked, and I'm still hurting" Caroline sang, after she finished she turned to the director, who didn't say anything, "Hello? Pretty sure I crushed that".

"Yeah, he's not going to say anything" Aria said, letting her presence known to Caroline, "I used my magic to crush his heart, I always wanted to use the spell but never got a chance until now".

"What the hell are you doing? That was the director" Caroline snapped.

"I just didn't like the fact that he got to sit and judge us on our singing" Aria said shrugging, "And also, why are you singing about heartbreak? You have no emotions, remember?".

"It's a performance, Aria" Caroline replied.

"Just like your, I'm a vampire who has everything in control, performance, right?" Aria asked.

"I do have everything in control" Caroline snapped.

"And why is that?" Aria asked, "I just don't get it, why are you so hell bent on not making any mistakes? Isn't the whole point of turning your humanity off, to make mistakes?".

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