Smoke and Mirrors

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Everything went smoothly. For the most part.

They rolled up, and the man Wisco claimed would be there was. Handshakes, formalities, and all. But Jucy was getting impatient with the delicate proceedings.

"Hellooo. Can we get the hell outta here any time soon?"
This seemed to offend the frontman. "You let her be disrespectful like that on your watch?"
Uncharacteristically, Dim seemed to tense up before saying with forced ease, "It ain't disrespect man, she's cool. I feel like I have to keep tellin' people that I ain't the boss of this relationship."
" far as your own personal proceedings go, I don't give a damn. But this, my friend, is an esteemed business. We keep things polite here. The punishment for impoliteness, as I'm sure you can imagine, doesn't allow for forgiveness or second chances."
"I gotchu man, for real, and I apologize. She's just excited to take the boss's ride for a spin once we hightail out of here. No disrespect to you, man, sincerely."

He pondered this. Tim grew uneasy. Jucy tapped her nails against the side of the truck.

"Well, alright then," he finally said. Tim sighed, noticeably. Jucy continued tapping her nails and snapped her gum.

"Are we all good here?" Tim asked, settling back into Dim, asked.
"You seem a little antsy, my friend."
"Naw, naw," he said in a bit of a rush, "I just ain't familiar with these-uh-functions. Sorry, if I overstepped."
Again, the dealer seemed to consider Tim carefully. "No harm done, my friend," he said finally, "But if we meet again, I'll expect you to control yourself and your beautiful lady better."
"I gotchu, man. Thank you."
. . .

Once they were back on the road, they pulled over exactly where Wisco had told them to and packed away the kilos. Only now, instead of disappearing into the night, they waited in the truck. LAPD units would trail the men that had met them at the docks and intercept them if necessary. Their job now was to guard the evidence.

They sat in silence. Lucy was reacclimating to who she was, while Tim, just didn't have anything to say. The whole experience was unnerving for him. While he still despised UC, he found himself acquiring begrudging respect for people like Nyla who could immerse themselves in dangerous situations and walk away without a scratch. Respect with a qualification, not appreciation.-

His senses caught an external movement, just behind them. The blue car.
He watched carefully as Wisco exited the car and began to approach them in the truck.
"Lucy," he said quickly. She turned his way, looking confused as he took her face in his hands. "I'm sorry," he whispered before leaning in, initiating the kiss this time.

Neither of them had supposed that a third round would make a difference.
They were both very wrong.
It was like the fourth of July inside the cab of the truck.
Heat exploded between their shared touch in indescribable measure.
Tim forgot the why of the moment and was mentally prepared to punch out the person who knocked angrily on the window.

Lucy popped up and away from Tim's grasp and Jucy came back on the scene as she rolled down the window to face an angry Wisco.
"What the hell? I don't think the itinerary involved a celebratory make-out."
Jucy shrugged carelessly and flicked her nails, "Eh, well, excuse us."
"Oh, you're excused, officer," he spat.
"The hell kinda crap are you spouting now?" she scoffed.
"Cut the BS. You're a cop."

"Woah, man," Dim cut in, "the hell you think you are to come around accusing my girl like that?"
"Don't act like you don't know what's up, 'Mr. Dumb-ass but not really.' The man you just exchanged with? He got picked up by the fuzz not five minutes off-site. Hadjik is willing to bet money that the both of you are in on it."

Jucy laughed darkly, "I'm willing to double money back on that."
"Yeah, well," Wisco said, "I don't think you get a choice either way. He doesn't trust you. I definitely don't. So...bye-bye birdie."

He reached for his gun, but they were faster. Like some sort of magic trick, the units in all their flashing lights and siren glory surrounded them. Nyla walked up behind him.

"Wisco Demonte, you are under arrest on account of drug handling and threatening officers of the law. You have the right to remain silent..." her recital of the Miranda rights trailed off as she led Wisco to the back of the unit.

She rejoined them as they revealed the drugs in the back compartment.

"Good show, you two."

He caught Lucy's eye. It sparkled.

Yeah. Good show.

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