Tim and Angela

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"I have a problem."

"Well, now, I have a problem. Hang on. Tim Bradford has walked up to me, and announced, without unnecessary probing, that he has a problem. Let me relish this feeling."

He let her "relish." For five seconds. "Angela, do you want to know what my problem is?"
"Oh! Yes, yes of course." She straightened up in her seat, took another sip of her soda, and said, "Okay, okay. Yes. I'm ready. Go."

"Lucy kissed me."
. . .

"Wait, what?"
"Do you know how long I've been-how long we've been waiting for this?"
"I'm sorry, what?"
"Oh, yeah. Me, Nolan, Nyla, and even Grey have money on you two."
"So looks like mama's gonna get her $200."
"Cool it, Tim."

"As creepily enlightening this conversation has been, I'm done."
"Tim! Wait! Why is this a problem?"
"I thought it was obvious. I'm with Ashley, Lucy's with Chris, we're going undercover, not to mention, I'm still her superior."
She scoffed, "Always have a ready excuse to dismiss your feelings."
"Who said I was dismissing my feelings?"
"I am.'
"I'm not dismissing anything. I just didn't outright say anything in regards to them."
"So you'd be willing to admit, right now, how you actually feel about Lucy? Regardless of your current status as her superior or your respective relationships."
He sighed. "If I do, can I have the rest of your soda?"
Angela snorted. "You do that, and you can have my soda and tacos."

"I think I'm in love with Lucy. And I probably have been for longer than I realized. It just took her kissing me apparently for me to realize that no one has had that effect on me before. Ever."

Angela became catatonic. Again.
"Ang," he said, waving a hand in front of her.
"Take my damn tacos, Tim. And I'm getting a refill on this soda for you."

"I'm proud of you, Tim." She said, coming back with a fresh soda.
"For what? Realizing I'm in love with another woman while I'm in a partially committed relationship? Thanks."
She shook her head. "No. For not being afraid of what you're feeling. So here's the deal. Don't break up with Ashley just because of this revelation. I'm sure you've already considered that. Don't be awkward around Lucy either. But also don't pretend as if nothing happened. That's worse, especially for the way Lucy is. Just get through the UC work and talk about it once it's over. Neither of you can be off your game."
"Okay. Thank you, you know, for actually helping me."
"Bradford, if you keep up with the touchy-feely, I'm going to have you institutionalized."

Tim + Lucy = ?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora