Chapter twenty: you saved me

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I was woken up at four in the morning.
"Miss Henderson you are able to go see him. He's in room 315."
Half asleep I made my way over to his room. There he was Wideawake as usual due to his insomnia.
"How are you feeling?" I softly asked him.
He sat up in the hospital bed and smiled. " A lot bette. thank you for making the right decision."
There was an awkward silence in the room.
"my fibromyalgia has gotten worse, they wanna keep me in the hospital for a few days and run some tests. just to see if there's anything triggering it."

"do you want to stay here any longer than you have to?" I was honestly curious but I knew for a fact he was gonna have to stay.

He shrugged and seemed a bit more down after I asked the question.
" is there something you're not telling me?"

" i'm just scared. I know it's not manly for me to say that I'm scared but I am. I don't know what's gonna happen. what if I don't make it out of here alive?"

I couldn't even look him in the eye. I just wanted to break down crying. I can't lose him. I already struggle so much with his random disappearances. Imagine if he was gone for good. I got into the hospital bed with him and curled up wrapping my arms around him.
" you can't leave me here... I already suffer too much was your disappearances you can't leave me forever."

He put an arm around me and played with my hair.
" go to bed, you've had a long day."
As I fell asleep on him. I stayed like that for the rest of the night. The next morning my mom came to bring me home. I would be lying if I told you that I didn't put up a fight to stay there. I didn't wanna leave him. It was already worrying me a bit too much that his health has gotten worse. The nurse almost wanted to call security to get me out of the hospital. My mother reassured her that there was no need for that. She carefully guided me out of the hospital as I cried and cried. I hated the fact that I wouldn't be able to be there for him. But I guess that was what was best for everyone.

One month later...

We kept flirting with each other, more than ever to be exact. We were happy with or without each other. But deep down we knew that it wasn't meant to be. Till one evening, there was a phone call from him.
" hey I'm not doing anything you should come over and hang out"
In a heartbeat I was already out the door. I drove over to his place of course with a clear mind. I didn't know what he had planned whether it would be a hang out or more than that. Was it a date? But even then what if it wasn't. Once I got to his place he ended up having a bunch of snacks and food on the table in front of the couch and we were going to cuddle and watch a movie. I was pretty excited about it for the most part. I loved being his arms. I don't know if it was the fact that I was able to rest there in his arms and feel safe. the fact that would be the only way that I could be so close to him The evening carried on like that until my mother started calling. I ignored her a couple hundred times. It was mainly a bunch of messages. Then she started calling me and I instantly sent her to voicemail. what can I say I was enjoying myself and the quality time I was with the one I loved. That was until the call started becoming more frequent. I gave in and picked up the phone only for it to be a simple where are you and are you coming home tonight. I simply told her no and then she said that I had to come home tonight since she didn't trust the fact I was staying at a boys house. What mother would trust that? I know if I was one I wouldn't. It started getting pretty late so I ended up helping him clean up before I said goodbye. We got lost in the moment with our eyes locked with one another. My first instinct was going for a kiss so I did just that. only for him not to kiss back. I slowly pulled away.
" What was that for?"
Blankly I stared at him not really knowing what to say or do.
" I just thought that this was more than just friends..."
He just stared at me awkwardly then shook his head.
" I would never like you that way. I only do this as a friendly gesture to thank you for what happened last month. I honestly want nothing more than just a friendship with you."
I backed away from him slowly as I felt my whole heart falling apart. I tried my best to not cry in front of him but it was too late. There I was in the middle of his apartment bawling my eyes out and I threw something at him. Not even realizing what it was, I launched it right in his direction and ran out of his apartment door. I heard a set of feet chasing after me. He realized that it was a mistake. But it was way too late. I rushed into my car and slammed on the gas and drove as quickly as I could out of the parking lot. Just for him to be shortly after behind me and his car. I did however many turns I could to get rid of him but no matter what I did he was always there. Only for me to drive faster and get as far as I could possibly get. But it was no use he was always a few cars behind me. That was when I started to smell smoke. Ignoring it, I drove onto the highway only for the scent to get much worse and a burning sensation creeping through. He ended up catching up to me and started honking at me but I didn't listen. I kept driving that was until my airbags deployed and I swerved off the road.

Corpse POV
I drove as fast as I could behind her then instantly pulled over and called 911. I gave them my exact location and hung up instantly to go save her. The flames were moving too fast but I pulled her out of the car as fast as I could so that she wouldn't get hurt. But she was completely unconscious. She was just barely breathing so I held her in my arms and hoped for the best. It didn't take long until the fire trucks and ambulance got there. They rushed her into the ambulance and I went along with them. They ran multiple tests and everything was fine. Minus the fact that she was in a coma. I was freaking the fuck out and told them that she was my girlfriend and that I would be taking her home. They didn't seem to care much and let me. Then there I was driving back with her lifeless body in my passenger seat. Her oxygen level seemed fine. There was no issues even with the amount of smoke. It didn't take me long to get home and I brought her into my apartment and laid her down.

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