Chapter Six: Dreams do come true

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Corpse_husband: "hey🖤"
~ Jocelyn's POV ~
I launched my phone across the room., HE REPLIED SO FAST- I flinched when my phone hit the wall. I get up slowly and pick up my phone to reply to him.
~ Dm ~
J: "I didn't think you would reply🥺"
Corpse: "Awww well I did haha, proved you wrong"
J: "🥺 stop no this is a dream" I was shaking since the top of the screen kept saying we were both in chat.
Corpse: "Then we got twin telepathy and we are dreaming the same thing 🙃"
J: " I would say pinch me but you kind of can't 😂"
Corpse sends a voice audio "beep beep beep"
J: "wtf💀"
Corpse: "honestly I'm just as confused as you no idea why I sent that 😐"
J: "It's cute tho like you 🙊"
Corpse: "hey you don't know that"
J: "Maybe I do"
Corpse: "Scary"
J: "Shut upppp I hope I'm not keeping you awake"
Corpse: "no no don't worry you're fine, The only thing you're keeping me is on Instagram"
J: "Oh? Is that so?"
Corpse: "Yeah"
J: "damn I feel pretty honored to be the reason why you're still on Instagram, but honestly if you want to go to bed it's fine"
Corpse: "no it's fine my sleep apnoea keeps me up at night anyway, it's nice getting to chat with people"
J: "Awe well I appreciate you keeping conversation with me. I've never had this happen before with an influencer"
Corpse: "some say I'm not like others"
J: "I believe that although this is the first time I've had a conversation with you"
Corpse: " ^_^ 🖤"
J: "I was wondering actually if I could talk to you about something? I know it has absolutely nothing to do with you, but it's been keeping me up all night. You're more than welcome to say no"
Corpse: "Talk to me, what's up?"
J: " so I recently moved away from home and it's been damaging to my friendship with my friend. I've known her my whole life, We had a huge fight over the phone like two hours ago and I wasn't sad about it, I just felt numb. Like we were having a great conversation in the beginning and then it instantly turned for the worst"
Corpse starts typing then stops. Then shortly after continues typing again then disappears.
J: "I'm sorry forget I said that"
Corpse: "from what I'm understanding I don't exactly know the bond you and her had, but if you've been friends with her for that long and then once you move she instantly starts acting this way toward you she doesn't seem like a good friend. If you didn't feel anything as you mentioned, maybe she was a toxic aspect in your life that you were blinded by due to knowing her for so long? She's probably just jealous that you're making it out there without her. I could assure you that you most likely didn't do anything wrong."
J: " wow corpse that last bit you said about her possibly being jealous... I don't see why, she has everything but she accuses me of having everything I've ever wanted. I never wanted to move nor did I want to leave her. she's like family"
Corpse: " look Jocelyn I'm just basing it off of people I've encountered, people don't like seeing you successful. That's why I have a very small friend group nor do I talk to people that much. I'm pretty sure you're one of the only supporters I've had an extremely long conversation with. Don't let the situation with your friend affect you too much. You're probably better off without her."
The next morning
~ Jocelyn's POV ~
I woke up differently this morning. My phone was in my hand dead. The only thing I was trying to do was figure out if last night was a dream or not. I scoured around my room searching for my charger after making a disaster. I realized my charger was sitting at my desk. I swear that's the only downfall of having a big room: you forget that you put things in the most basic places. I plug my phone in and my mom enters.
"Hey honey can you come downstairs once you're done whatever you're doing"
I nod and wait for my phone to turn on and race quickly to Instagram. I see there's a message from corpse, So the whole conversation I had with him last night was true. I quickly scanned through what he wrote and replied
"hey good morning sorry I passed out last night, I appreciate it so much that you talk to me and hold me see my situation from a different perspective"
I left my phone in my room and went downstairs. I was a bit confused why my mom wanted me to come down. It's not like it was to eat something or anything. She points to a room down the hall. I've been living here for almost a month and never knew that room even existed. So I walk over and carefully turn the doorknob. It's just a plain boring room with a box in the centre. "Weird..?" So I slowly approached it, I noticed there were also holes which had me a bit more confused. I knelt down on the frozen tile floor and opened the box only for there to be a crate inside. My jaw dropped, she did not. She did not go by him... I take the crate out of the box and open it. A tiny little rocket shot out of the crate into my lap. There was the Rottweiler puppy I had asked my mom for. She stood in the doorway smirking at me.
"Aren't I the best mother ever?"
I hold the puppy and one arm and go to hug her.
"When did you get him? Why after our argument yesterday?"
She shakes her head and puts her hand on my shoulder.
"although you're my daughter, you clearly don't have the same smarts as I do. Our little argument was all a part of my plan to get you out of the house. Last night when you got home was the second part of my plan. So I could keep the puppy a secret for today when you woke up"
I hold the puppy with both of my hands.
"How did you even get in contact with the breeder? I never sent you the link or anything"
"A mother always has her ways, also you left the website open on your computer one day. I got all the contact information I needed, I was just waiting for the day that you would come to me and tell me you wanted it. So then I was able to pursue the purchase"
She pets the pup and looks at it curiously for a little while "he's a pretty big boy for only being 2 1/2 months, he's also your responsibility. I was thinking of making this room specifically where all his stuff will be. It's not extremely huge, it's a decent size for him when we have guests over until he's trained. If you want he can sleep in your room."
Carrying the puppy out of the room I make my way towards the kitchen debating whether or not I should go buy him some extra toys and treats. I agreed with myself to just wait a bit. I was going to watch which toys he leans towards from the ones he owns.
I look over at my phone to see Valkyrae had messaged me.
"Hey Jocelyn, sorry I couldn't help you out last night. If you still need me I'm available right now."
I'm surprised she even remembered since she's been in a business meeting since 7:30.
"Hey Rae, don't worry about last night, I actually spoke to corpse about it. The little chat I had with him honestly opened my eyes. He made me realize the whole situation was an act of jealousy."
She replies.
"Wait..? What?? You spoke to corpse??? HOW?? Since when did you get his number? GIRL, WE ARE FRIENDS YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO KEEP ME INTOUCH🙄"
I start laughing and I facepalm.
"I never got his phone number, I dmed him last night. Weirdly enough he replied pretty fast...🤷🏻‍♀️"
Rae: "I'm surprised because corpse is not on Instagram that much. He's more of a Twitter guy."
J: "Let me tell you, I was extremely shocked and thought I was dreaming. It was literally two minutes after I messaged him that he started typing."
I waited a bit for her reply. After five minutes went by, I assumed she got busy again and went on about my day.
I went up to my room to check my calendar. I went onto Instagram to see if corpse replied and he hadn't. I guess last night was just luck. Well at least it was a good conversation, right?
After some time trying to figure out what to do, Jocelyn decided to clean up her room a bit. It didn't take very long since her room was fairly clean. After that she flopped on her bed " what to do now" she pondered. She decided to think of a name for her dog. So many options to choose from, but she couldn't decide on one. So she started naming names off the top of her head. Her little two-month-old Rottweiler didn't react to any of them, which made her decision much more difficult. She lost hope in finding a name. She started scrolling through her snap memories. She found an extremely old memory of her and her best friend watching ghost rider.
" I remember watching ghost rider with her," she says to herself.
She hears the puppy try to bark. Jocelyn sits up and looks at the dog then says the movie title again. The puppy barks again.
Her little pup ran in circles and started whining.
"So it's settled. Your new name is Ryder" Jocelyn smiles at her puppy and picks him up, putting him on her bed.
After about two hours her phone goes off again.
Corpse: "it was nice talking to you last night. I hope you're feeling better"
It was him again, her faceless romantic. The man that made her fall in love without even knowing what he looked like. That chat they had last night felt more like friends, than anything.
J: "hey again☺️, I didn't think you would message me again, I'm feeling a lot better."
Corpse: "That's good ^_^"
J: " how rude of me.. how are you? Most of our chats have been about me, let's change the subject"
Corpse: "I'm doing okay, nothing really new. just at home working on music. It's pretty boring but I'm keeping myself busy."
J: "you should go out for some fresh air. It's a nice day today. Oh god, I sound like a stalker 😥"
Corpse: "😂😂😂 you live in the San Diego area I assume?"
J: " you got that right."
Corpse: *sends voice audio* "that's niceeee. you probably know I live outside of it, not too far out"
J: " not to sound like a crazy stalker but yeah, but I get why it makes sense."

Then he was gone again.

~Jocelyn's POV ~
Another conversation with him that doesn't feel like your regular conversation between fan and influencer. I noticed time goes by so fast here. I wonder where the time even goes. I could've sworn it was just 1 PM not too long ago, it's already almost 5. Alright whatever, let me stop complaining about the time and look for a car. I didn't want a brand new car, since I need to learn how to drive around here first. I spent a couple of hours searching around and nothing even caught my eye.
"Dinner's ready!"
I hear my mom shouting from the kitchen. I closed my laptop and brought Ryder downstairs with me. I served myself dinner and went to eat at the dinner table.
"So Mom, anything new? Seeing anyone that I should know about?"
My mother's face goes red. "excuse me Jocelyn? where is this conversation coming from?"
I giggle. " It's just a question, relax. Unless there is someone I mean we've been here for almost a month."
She shakes her head " no I haven't met anyone. I have some great work colleagues."
I start smirking "damn Mom, I don't want to know what you be doing at work"
Her eyes widened at me. I swear they were about to pop out of her head. "JOCELYN! just because you have a little boyfriend out here. This does not mean that I am messing around with people from work. Anyways what did you name the little one over there."
"Our little baby of the house is named Ryder. Don't worry Mommy, your secret hookups at work are safe with me." I try so hard not to laugh.
She rolls her eyes at me "what am I gonna do with you."
After arguing like children at dinner, Jocelyn and her mother decided to devote some time to their work. Jocelyn had some school work to complete. While her mother had some documents to go through and analyze. They both kept on top of their duties as individuals so that they didn't fall behind. Everything was going well for them. Jocelyn had her conversations here and there with Corpse, which made her extremely happy. Her mom was given a higher position at the corporation she works at. So they both were happy. The only downfall was the so-called strong friendship between Natalie and Jocelyn. They barely spoke, anything they had up on social media about each other was taken down. It went from days to weeks.... acquaintances wanted answers but the stories were completely different from both parties. Natalie made up a bunch of lies that Jocelyn was bragging about her new lifestyle. While Jocelyn told them the truth, what actually happened that night. It was the same thing they did every night since she left. Some reason that night things changed, once Jocelyn was finally happy. Jocelyn admitted to the terrible things she said. She told the acquaintances she didn't mean it. Natalie on the other hand played the victim card

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