Chapter Thirteen : Learning to live without you

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Two weeks went by and they both hadn't said a word to each other. Corpse continued with his music and finally opened up to Rae about what happened that night. She didn't give him the reaction he expected. She was much more understanding than he thought she would've been. They had the same friendship that they've had for the longest time. She still kept talking with Jocelyn, at least she knew that neither of them were lying because both their stories were the same. As much as Rae wanted to ask Jocelyn where her feelings stood with Corpse, she couldn't find a way to do so. So she left her alone until Jocelyn brought him up. Jocelyn never brought up his name. She started talking about how she's going to go pick up her new car soon. She was extremely excited about it. Now she no longer had to depend on her mother.

~ Jocelyn's POV ~
So today was finally the day to go pick up my new car. I finally was motivated to go search around, now here I am going to go pick it up. Although it's nothing extravagant like your typical California kids would get such as Mercedes-Benz or BMWs. I'm very much happy with my civic. I would much rather pay a decent price for a car that I would use for a few years just to get a feel for driving in this new city. Then I'll move up to something more pricey. I felt pretty alone if I'd be honest. The fact that me and corpse not speaking to each other has brought me to this, just shows that I'm just trying to keep myself busy. I miss him so much. He will probably never want to talk to me again. Rae had never even brought him up, I wish she would though but I know for a fact I would just start crying. I just miss him, maybe I just missed the thought of him. I made my way to the dealership and picked up my car and then I drove it around the city for a few hours
Mya: "hey! I noticed that you moved to California I'm in San Diego if you want to hang out :)"
I looked down on my phone A bit confused for the most part. I had no idea who this was but I wasn't taking any chances. I ignored the message and went on with my day. shortly after that first text another text went through.
"you probably don't know who I am but I'm one of Sadie's friends, if you still remember her, you and her became friends in college before you left."
I waited until I got to a red light and checked my phone again. I took a moment to think of who they were talking about. Since it's been some time since I left Vancouver, I completely forgot.
"Can you send me a photo of Sadie?"
Hoping this individual would be more than happy to. A moment later the photo came through and I instantly recognized her.
"sure I'd be down to hang out with you guys"
I replied.
"perfect meet me at this café"
I put the address in on my GPS and drove straight there. It was only a 10 minute drive from my current location. I parked across the street from the café and made my way over. Someone tapped my shoulder and it was Sadie.
I hug her and sit down at a table with her and Mya. We talked for sometime as we enjoyed our drinks.
Mya: "it's lovely to meet you."
Sadie: "i've told Mya so much about you, once we found out that you moved and that you were in the city we just had to meet up with you."
J: "well it's nice to finally see a familiar face for once."
Sadie: "I bet it is, living out in Vancouver for so fucking long now living somewhere completely different knowing absolutely no one. How did you even get past all of it it's been a couple months?"
J: "I took a couple losses and now I'm doing pretty good."
Mya: " i'm sorry to bring this up but I heard about your situation with Natalie did you guys ever fix things..? Sorry if I'm poking my head in business that I shouldn't be."
J: "Oh don't worry I'm more than okay to talk about it. That was the loss that I was talking about which honestly it benefited me in the long run of being here. I honestly want nothing to do with her."
Sadie: "She was talking so much shit about you at school, i'm pretty sure it must've been after you guys had that really bad fight. Some girl I don't even think you were friends with ended up dragging her from the third floor to the first floor and bet the fuck out of her in the stairwell.
J: "seriously? Wow pretty shocking to hear that people are still defending me even if they weren't close with me in anyway or form."
Sadie: "she was saying some nasty shit and playing off as the victim. but I'm pretty sure the girl that fought her already had issues with Natalie prior to that."
Mya: "Natalie is such a fucked up individual. and there's rumours going around that a teacher is having an affair and it's with her"
J: "I wouldn't even be surprised it wouldn't be the first time, I can't be friends with a pathetic homewrecking bitch now can I?"
Sadie: "for sure I 100% don't blame you for not wanting to be friends with her anymore"
J: " look I don't know if you guys are going to believe me or if Natalie has said anything at all, but I have been talking to someone for sometime now. I'm not sure if it's going anywhere or if it will become a relationship or not.
Mya: "With Corpse Husband?"
I went pale as a ghost and my eyes widen.
J: "you guys know..?"
Sadie starts laughing and grabs my hand.
Sadie: " no silly Natalie hasn't said anything, she has said that you are delusional for thinking that he would ever want to even be friends with you. But Mya was just guessing because I've told her that you're a fan of him.
Mya: "But wait, your reaction is a bit questionable. Are you and him actually talking??"
My body language went from being extremely intrigued and happy to be talking to my friends. Only for me to now be extremely cold and scared.
J: "can you please keep this a secret..?"
Sadie: "for sure, it's your business not ours to be talking about."
I got silent for a moment and looked down on my phone. I showed messages between me and Corpse on iMessage. Then I showed them the ones on Instagram for more proof. They were both extremely shocked and happy for me.
J: "I haven't spoken to him in about two weeks though.."
Mya: "what happened?"
J: "Long fucking story... I may have fucked up everything though."
Mya: "we got time, at least I do?"
Sadie: "if it's not a problem with you telling us."
J: "yeah I don't really mind. Of course I'll leave out some parts that are private"
Sadie: "don't push yourself too much. Say whatever you're comfortable with."
I sat quietly for a moment. Analyzing in my head what I was going to tell them and making sure that everything made sense.
J: "where do I even start?"
Sadie: "don't have to give us the whole story. just explain what happened in that scene that caused you and him to not speak for such a period of time."
J: "well then it was two weeks ago almost 3, I had this dinner to go to with my mom. I didn't really wanna go but I was forced to. Her new boyfriend was going to be there and she wanted to finally introduce me. Little did both me and her know he had a daughter of his own which she's a spoiled fucking brat. Instantly pulls me to the side and goes on and on about how she doesn't want my mom and her father to get together. so after that whole thing i messaged corpse and he offers to pick me up. So I go to the park just down the street from the building and I wait for him and it starts kind of raining. He was already there and got out of the car and started having one of his anxiety attacks or whatever. Then drives off leaving me in the pouring rain."
I took a long pause as something caught my eye.

~ Corpse POV ~
I walked into the coffee shop to grab myself some coffee. Although I honestly shouldn't be drinking it because it fucks with my vocal cords, I've learned to deal with it. I did a mobile pick-up so then I didn't have to talk to the barista. I look across the room and instantly lock eyes with Jocelyn. I wonder if she notices that it's me. She was at a table with 3 girls I assume she's friends with. She stop talking once we locked eyes.
I grab my order and walk out of the café. I felt eyes still watching me as I left. I immediately got in my car and drove off. Personally, I didn't wanna talk about what happened, I also don't want her coming after me to talk about it.
"You miss her, don't you? Too bad you fucked up that one right. Face it you're good for nothing."
That stupid voice in the back of my head was still there. He never wanted to leave no matter how many times I forced him to. He never shuts up, I feel like I'm drowning and there's no way out. I took the first entrance onto the highway and drove home. I couldn't bare being near her. As much as I wanted to say something, things are better left unsaid.

~ Jocelyn POV ~
I felt that cold feeling comes over me again. The same one I had when I went to the beach on my first days here. I couldn't figure out if that was him. Why was he here? Did he want to talk to me? well, it's too late now he's already gone. Maybe it was just a coincidence... as much as I wish it wasn't, it probably was. There was a slight tug on my arm. It was Sadie.
"hey Jocelyn, are you feeling okay you got really pale all of a sudden?"
I clenched my phone tightly in my hand.
"I think I saw Corpse.."
Both the girls instantly jumped out of their chairs.
I slid back into my chair feeling extremely anxious.
"He was standing in the mobile pick-up line up, he just left."
Instantly both of them run outside of the café. Which gave me a chance to call him.
"The person you are calling is unavailable at this time"
My heart sank when his phone didn't even ring. I left the café and broke down crying on my way to my car.
"he blocked me..."

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