Chapter 18 : Here we go again

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That morning I had woken up to him hugging me. Then from the corner of my eye I saw my door creeping open. Just to see my mom walk in and start clapping.

"oh my godddd my baby is sneaking boys into her room!"

That feeling of embarrassment rushed through my body. He ended up waking up. Forcing myself out of bed, I grabbed my mothers arm and pulled her out of the room.
"Can we please speak in the kitchen" I said as I motioned her down the stairs.
As she nods we head to the kitchen. The air felt heavy but I forced myself to stay calm. She ended up sitting down and she seemed not at all tense.
"so do you care to explain?" She sounded more cheerful and curious than usual.
I took a deep breath as words swarmed my head. I felt my mouth moving but no words were coming out. Then finally I was able to form a sentence.
"Remember when I rushed out last night? Well it was because of him. He was drunk in his car in the middle of nowhere and he truly needed someone. it's not my story to share with what happened to him and why these events came to be."
Then the sound of footsteps echoed behind me, it was him.
"good morning Miss Henderson"
She quickly cut him off. "Please just call me Caroline"
He nods and then continues his sentence. "I'm sorry for the surprise encounter.. it won't happen again"
I just kept looking at him. Maybe it was because I was madly still in love with him or the fact that his messy hair looks so fucking cute.
"please don't be sorry hun, due to the circumstances of last night. I'm happy that my daughter let you stay." She went over and hugged him.
A little smile creeped through and he hugged her back. That was the one thing I liked about my mom. She always worried about the well-being of others before getting angry. I analyzed Randall's body language. It wasn't the same as I've seen before. He seemed safe. I know he's been alone for quite a while. I'm just not sure if I should mention to my mom his family history or not.
"have you called any parents or guardian to let them know that you're okay? You didn't come home last night so I assume they would be worried."
"I live alone." He quickly responded.
My mother looked almost shocked and upset.
"you live alone?"
He cleared his throat and nodded. "I have been living alone for sometime now actually" he slid his hands into his front pockets. "I don't mind living alone. so you don't have to worry"
My mom usually made a big deal about these things. Its probably her motherly instinct. She was always there for my rescue after all.
"Well... if you say so. You're more than welcome to spend dinner with us whenever you'd like."
His eyes made there way in my direction looking for my approval. I felt abit uneasy about my mothers offer, but i ignored it.
"Yeah... sure,  you should come over for dinner. It does get kinda lonely here at times."
He shook his head. "Thank you for the offer. But id have to decline, sorry. I live about 2 hours from here. Also you're daughter and i arent on the greatest of terms at this very moment... its not her fault. I struggle with allowing people in due to past incidents. So ive distanced myself from her out of fear."
I looked at him then down at the floor. "We should get going"
"Let me at least make you some breakfast before you go" my mother chimed in.
I went up to my room to get ready. My mind just raced the whole time there was absolutely no use. I would never get over him. I wanted everything to just be over. I guess  i let time pass me by since as soon as i was done and went to the dining room he was gone.
"Mom? Mom? MOM??"
she ran into the room. "What's wrong?"
"Where is he?"  fear washed all over my face.
"He decided to head home since you were taking forever." she put a plate infront of me and sat down. "So you going to tell me his backstory? Hes definitely a special breed of individual."
A wave of heat came over me. "Mom, i dont even know how to explain. Im inlove with him. But at the same time i hate him. Does that make any sense?" i slouched into my chair "hes so difficult to love but i want to love him. Yes, hes attractive but thats not even the reason i like him. I didnt even know what he looked like for the longest time. It was just how pure and genuine he was. Before all this fear got to this point."
Her hand laid on top of mine and she looked at me. "It sounds alot like harley quinn and the joker type of love, do you want that? Its not easy."
"Its not like that."
The tone in her voice changed. "You would do things for him that you'd never do for any other man. Isnt that right?"
You could hear crickets if there any. Completely lost for words. I could partly admit she was right. But it wasnt the way she interpret it though. He was different, he made me feel safe. It wasn't toxic either. I knew was i was getting myself into from the very start. Rae did tell me also the type of person he is when it came to relationships.

It was my own fault in the end.

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