Chapter nineteen : Lifeline

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Corpse's POV
I decided to post on Twitter telling everyone that I took a break from social media. I didn't necessarily go missing. No one can know that my health is getting bad again. Until I'm literally hospital bound and can't go home, no one has to know anything. I don't want anyone to pity me. I don't know how the fuck some people can just sit there in front of a camera just crying. That isn't A toxic male mindset. I don't want to make money off of my problems either. I just wanna sort things out on my own.
I decided to stay on discord for most of the day with my friends. I wasn't really sure what else to do. A lot of them wanted me to come by since they wanted to know what happened. I just told them I wasn't really feeling like leaving my house today. Which it was the truth. Honestly I was just in a lot of pain. That agonizing type of pain that was even the tiniest movement would trigger it. I wasn't much of a crier but it definitely got me. I couldn't do anything at all. Ended up getting away from my computer for a brief moment and didn't realize that I wasn't muted. Something as simple as making myself something to eat I couldn't even do on my own. All I could do was just let out a loud scream as I collapse to the floor.
"CORPSE?!?" A few voices echoed from my recording room.
Curled up on the floor, I started hyperventilating.
"Guys what's going on? All I heard was a loud scream coming from my computer. What did I miss?" Tina's voice had appeared in the call.
"Something is wrong with corpse"
"Corpse are you okay do we have to call you an ambulance??"
Covering my mouth trying not to make a noise. I just kept panicking. I was so fucking afraid of what was gonna happen to me. I tried to make my way back into my recording room.
"Guys, does anyone have his address?"
"I do but I can't go to his location at the moment"
It was nice that they cared to make sure that I was ok, but the whole point was for no one to find out. That's when their chatter had come to an end. It got quiet. I tried to maneuver myself to the closest window to glance outside. It had gotten extremely dark And windy. No more than five minutes later it was heavy rain and thunder.
"guys are you there?!" I shouted hoping that one of them would answer me.
There was no response. The only response I got was the wind and rain clashing against my windows. Was it my demons telling my that my final days were coming?
Letting out another scream hoping someone would hear me. But the storm masked it. It didn't help much that literally no one in the building socialize with each other.

Jocelyn's POV
I was looking at my window as I saw storm clouds coming from Northwest. Then my phone started to go off and it was Valkyrae. I picked up the phone and cheerfully said "hey Rae! sorry I haven't been talking to you that much past few weeks, things have been kind of hectic."
There was a long pause before she spoke.
"no worries Jocelyn please can you do me a favour it's important.."
I noticed in the tone of her voice she sounded a bit afraid or worried.
"Hey Bestie, is everything okay???"
"can you please drive to corpse's this place I'll send you his address" The sounds of sniffles started coming from her.
She messaged me his address. I was still pretty confused why she wanted me to go to him.
"He was on discord with us about 20 minutes ago and I think the power went out. he let out a really loud scream that sounded like he was in pain. I have a bunch of business meetings all day today and I am unable to go check on him and I know you're pretty close with him so could you please do me a favour and go see if he's OK please?"

My heart sank since I knew what was going on. "Of course I'll go check on him... can I tell you something and can you promise me not to tell anyone?"
"what's up?"
I started thinking about it then quickly changed my mind. "I actually don't think it's the right time. I got to go."
I went over to my mom who was in the kitchen cooking and told her I was going to go check up on Randall. She was a bit hesitant with letting me go but she could tell that I was a bit worried.
"Is everything okay, love?"
I shook my head " I don't think so.. His friend who I'm also best friends with called me to go check up on him because she was on a call with him and a bunch of their friends-" I took a deep breath and tried to hold back from crying. "they heard a loud scream come from his side of the call and it sounded like he was an agonizing pain.."
my mom motions me to go and then I was off. Following my GPS going north west, the weather changed rapidly. From the light shades of gray to a dark almost black coloured sky. To be fair I've never driven in a storm as bad as this one. My heart raced a bit as I could barely control my car. It kept swerving into the right lanes.

After about an hour I got to his house. I ran to his apartment and grabbed the spare key underneath the doormat. I knocked on the door and told him I was there, I got no response. Fighting to unlock the door it finally swung open. There he was almost lifeless on the floor. I tried my best to wake him up and keep him conscious. There was absolutely nothing I could do so I called an ambulance and they rushed to his location faster than ever. They allowed me onto the ambulance with him. They start asking me many questions about his medical history assuming that I knew. I just shook my head. On the verge of tears I analyzed the paramedics actions. They were doing as many tests on him as they could on the way to the hospital and making sure that he stayed awake. Last thing they needed was for him to slip into a coma. I got closer to him and held his hand. Then whispered into his ear.
" i'm here you're not alone. please hang in there for me.."

He bolted up from the stretcher.
" where am I where the fuck are we going???"
I carefully hugged him to calm him down.
"I found you lifeless on your kitchen floor, I had to get you rushed to the hospital. I'm sorry just please don't hate me for this"

He looked at me dead in the eye but did not say anything. After a brief moment he made a quick smile in my direction and nodded. That gave me a slight sense of relief that he didn't hate me. I felt like he was thanking me in a way.

Sometime after that we reach the hospital and they told me to stay in the waiting room. Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours. I was given no updates on his condition. It was around 1 in the morning and I still haven't heard anything. I started to drift off and just sleep.

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