
"Mother, my choice is of my own accord," Persephone says, Demeter's eyes softening. "Apart from lying once, and long ago, he was never truly terrible to me. I was just closed-minded. I see everything more clearly, now. I have a voice in our marriage."

"And she is free to leave the Underworld whenever she wishes," Hades adds. The words are accompanied by a shrug, but Hestia catches the glimpse of fear and sorrow in his eyes at the idea of such a prospect.

"I chose to stay," Persephone finishes. "After all these centuries, it shouldn't be that different, anyway. You needn't mourn as you have."

Demeter sighs, nodding in acceptance. Poseidon lets out a gentle 'huh' of interest before shrugging and slumping further in his chair.

"Grow up," Zeus hisses, looking pointedly at his brother's posture.

Poseidon sticks his tongue out at him.

Zeus scoffs, nearly jumping as a clap echoes through the chamber.

"So!" Hades says, rubbing his palms together. "We've all been summoned to figure out how to kill our dear old dad. The question is a matter of how w—why is Hecate here?"

"How did you not notice her earlier?" Hera mumbles.

"The question is a matter of how why is Hecate here," Poseidon repeats, snickering. "Very eloquent."

Hades scrunches his nose at him in response. "She's not a sibling of ours."

"Neither is your wife," Poseidon says.

"Yes, but she's my wife. And her daughter is undoubtedly going to be involved."

"That's fair."

Zeus sighs, wishing there were a higher power to pray to so his brothers would stop acting like the idiots they always are. "'The power must combine of those who were victim to His daze of anger, fear, and envy—'"

"'—Olympus to preserve or raze.' We all know the prophecy, brother, so just answer the question." Hades stares unflinchingly back at Zeus' venomous gaze, eventually groaning. "Answer the question . . ."—he shudders in disgust—"please."

"Thank you, Hades. Now, us six are the beings who, quote-unquote, fell victim to his daze."

"You mean when he ate them like a weirdo and fought us like someone who needs to be detained by Child Protective Services," Poseidon interjects, and Persephone folds her lips inward to suppress her laughter.

Zeus closes his eyes briefly and takes a slow breath before answering. "In essence, yes. Our powers will need to combine in order to defeat Kronos again. But we all know that we cannot directly intervene in our children's affairs. That is where Hecate comes in."

The goddess of magic nods. "Some of you have individual abilities that can transfer or take away godly abilities. I have the potential to strengthen it to the necessary extent and . . . implant it in a vessel or direct it from here."

"What?" Persephone asks, her eyes wide in shock.

"It is a complicated spell, and there are some limits to my sorcery, but if—"

"No, you all intend to make children fight and kill a Titan instead of doing it as you've already done? You don't have a proper plan for how to actually defeat Kronos yourselves?"

"We made an oath," Hera says, "as did you."

"In this situation, I think it's an oath worth breaking!" Persephone clenches her fists, muscles trembling. "You can't seriously expect them to win?"

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