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Demi woke up to Jesse peppering kisses all over their face. The two laid naked in his bed with the sheets draped over them as the morning sun shined through Jesse's curtains.

"Good morning baby." Jesse greeted. "This is the first time in a while since you've slept over." Demi giggled and hid her head in the pillow as memories from last night entered her mind.

"Yeah it was nice, but I have to get going soon." Demi pulled away from Jesse's embrace and gather her clothes from off the floor.

"Already? At least stay for breakfast." Jesse begged but Demi shook their head no. "Why so soon?"

Demi sighed. Her excuse wasn't something Jesse would want to hear but it was legitimate. "I have to pick up Rory then Wilmer's gonna FaceTime me so we can-"

Before Demi could finish talking Jesse rolled his eyes and let out a big sigh. Of course Jesse didn't like talking about Demi's husband. It wasn't just because he didn't like Wilmer, he hated how he treated Demi. Since Jesse was Demi's director of her documentary, he saw everything. He saw the way Wilmer looked at her, talked to her, everything. And none of it was in a loving way.

"What? I can't FaceTime him while I'm at your house." Demi deadpanned.

"I'm not saying that you should. I just don't get why you're still with him." Jesse said under his breath. Demi took a deep breath and prepared themselves for the conversation to come. The only thing that they would have little arguments about was this.

"Because that's my husband, Jesse."

"I know, which is what doesn't make sense. You come to visit me as often as you can but then go home to see him. What are we doing?"

Demi thought about it for a second. What were they doing? They would tell themselves that it was the last time then end up in bed together a couple days later.

"We have a child together. I can't raise her in a broken home." Demi explained. It was a poor excuse but it was true. Demi didn't want Rory to experience switching between her two parents every other week like Demi had to.

"But what about when Wilmer finds out? Is he not going to want a divorce? What then?" Demi could tell Jesse was growing irritated and she knew exactly why. Jesse wanted Demi, but she would never give that to him. She could hurt her husband just to be with him.

"He's not going to find out. What are you hinting at Jesse?"

"I'm saying you need to choose." Jesse mumbled but Demi could still hear him.

Choose? He was making them choose between him and Wilmer? If didn't make sense why Jesse was so bothered about this now. This affair has been going on for months now and he never left Demi with an ultimatum.

"Jesse, I'm not choosing. Why do I have to, there's no feelings-"

"Demi don't say there's no feelings between us because we both know that's a lie. I want you, and I know you want the same. Why are you so afraid to admit that?" Jesse stood up from the bed and made his was to the bathroom.

"Because I don't know what I want!" Demi didn't know why she was getting so defensive. Maybe it was because every time they thought about it their heart would race and their palms got sweaty. It was a decision that Demi couldn't make.

"Then maybe we should-" Before Jesse could finish his sentence, Demi's phone rang. "Speak of the Devil." Jesse muttered as he read the collar ID. It was Wilmer.

Demi went into the other room to answer it. Still in the back of her mind was what Jesse was saying. There was no way Wilmer wasn't going to be hurt if he found out. She was on the phone with her husband while at her secret lover's apartment. What the hell was she doing?


Wilmer made it home just in time for Rory's third birthday. Rory's birthday just happened to fall on Valentine's day which left the couple little to no time to be to themselves. At the crack of dawn, workers were coming in and out of their house setting up stuff for the party.

This year Demi went all out. Rory was finally at the age where she understood what her birthday was. Recently Rory had been into princesses, so that's what Demi did. The backyard was going to be transformed to look like a castle and Demi even got a miniature horse for the kids to ride. Maybe she went a little overboard with the whole thing, but Rory was an only child. Demi never hesitated to spoil her.

Demi and Wilmer laid in bed cuddling, not ready to get up and start the day. Demi laid on Wilmer's chest listening to his heartbeat. The TV was on but they weren't watching, just enjoying each other's presence before they had to get up.

"I can't believe she's three." Demi spoke. It felt like just yesterday Demi was in the hospital giving birth. After so many complications during Demi's pregnancy, she had her doubts but she would never admit that.

"I can't either. She's growing so fast." Wilmer kissed the top of Demi's head. Their relationship had its ups and downs but at the end of the day, they still loved each other and that would never change.

Their bedroom door bursted open with a fit of giggles and Batman following. Demi could only see the top of Rory's bed head as she hid herself from Demi's view. 

"Boo!" Rory popped up from the side of their bed and made an attempt to climb up. Considering Demi and Wilmer weren't very tall people, Rory was tiny as well.

"Oh my God, you scared me!" Demi played along, helping the struggling toddler up the bed.

Rory stood on the bed and began jumping up and down. Demi couldn't help but smile as she watched the little girl jump on the bed. Wilmer grabbed her and pulled her to sit because Rory knew better than to jump in their bed. But he made it up giving her a face full of kisses.

"Get up! It's my birthday!" Rory exclaimed while Demi moved the loose hair out of her face.

"I know princesa! Are you ready for your party!?" Wilmer matched her energy as he got up from bed. "Let's go get ready!" Wilmer grabbed Rory, throwing her up in the air, making Demi's heart skip a beat. He always did it but that didn't mean it calmed her nerves any less.

"Get up Mommy!" Rory said as she settled in Wilmer's arms.

"I'm coming, I'll meet you downstairs." Wilmer took Rory downstairs to give her breakfast before she put her outfit on.

Demi hopped in the shower. Thinking about everything happening recently. Her and Jesse hadn't talked in days. They didn't exactly leave on a strong note but Demi didn't think that he would completely cut her off.

Demi shook her head to push away the thoughts. What was she doing? It was her daughter's birthday and all she could think about was Jesse. She stepped out the shower and made her way to her closet to dry off and get dressed. Demi checked her phone, looking at all the birthdays wishes people were sending warmed her heart.

Demi stared at the wallpaper on her phone and began to tear up. It was a picture of Wilmer and Rory taking a nap on the couch together. Never in a million years did Demi think they would be in this situation but here she was. Stuck to choose between two men with a child in the middle of it.

this chapter was kind of shitty but it comes with an instagram update!

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