Arriving at playtime co.

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The next day, the bad guys had princess backed for a couple of days just in case they were going to take longer.

They dropped her off at marmalade's, snake was walking her to the door.

"Ok we're going to go now, stay inside and listen to marmalade, we shouldn't be long" snake says.

"Ok snake"

To snake surprise, she brother new doll, he saw she was holding her her.

"Bye princess, you be good"

"Ok, bye snake, say goodbye poppy" princess asked poppy.

"Goodbye" the doll says.

Snake felt disturbed, he goes back to the car, when he looks back at the doll.

There was something about the doll he didn't like, especially when she was looking at him, he felt she was looking deep into his soul.

It became a long drive to the toy factory but when they got there, it was already dark, matching the mood of the abandoned building.

They all got out when they saw the old toy factory.

They standing at the doors of the abandoned factory.

hesitated to step inside, Diane unlock the door with the key, they don't know where she got it or how she got it.

Wolf gulp as Diane unlock the door, entering the factory as the doors creaked closed behind them.

The smell of built up dust and an odd burning smell entered Diane and wolf's nose.

They looked around in the drak room, it was filled with spider webs, then they heard a soft engine coming from the other room.

The dirty panels on the floor was dirty as some were coloured red, blue and yellow in random places.

The shadows of the wall behind them seeped through the window, creating a dense atmosphere for them

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The shadows of the wall behind them seeped through the window, creating a dense atmosphere for them.

Piranha looks around and finds some light switch and flips them on.

The lights were turned on.."whoa" it freaked everyone out.

"Wow, Considering it's been 10 years and the light stops work, who is paying the electricity bill..." Diane says.

They walked up to the desk that had a small computer, Diane swiped her finger across the counter top, her finger becoming grey from dust to see how old this place was.

She wiped her finger on her clothes, as everyone looked around, piranha noticed there was a green tape recorder sitting besides the screen, he looks at it.

Then he picked it up and he looked around, and spotted a green VCR in the corner to the right, He rushes, jumps and placed the tape recorder in as it began to play

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Then he picked it up and he looked around, and spotted a green VCR in the corner to the right, He rushes, jumps and placed the tape recorder in as it began to play.

"Hey guys look what I found" he says as they grabbed their attention to the tv.

"Hi, my name is Leith Pierre, and I'm the head of innovation here at Playtime co. Toy Factory. If you're seeing this. Then your trespassing." Wolf and Diane looked at each other.

"Yeah. We play this little tape on loop whenever we close the factory for the day."

Webs crossed her arms, snake makes a blank space, and piranha stares at the tv.

"So trespasser." They all scolded at the tv, "just to make you aware... while we pride ourselves primarily on our high-quality toys and excellent childcare, We also pride ourselves on our security. For example, this facility is full of hidden motion triggers which, once set off, will turn on the factory's emergency alarms and directly contact the authorities. And.. that's one of the more tame aspects of our security system. No spoilers! So. You've got my warning. It's not too late to turn around, I just hope that you're certain whatever you're doing is worth it." And it finishes.

Then snake slithers off, "alright let's go" but then wolf stops him.

"Whoa where are you going" he asked.

"Uh leaving" snake says.

"We're not going anywhere until we find those employees"

"Oh come on you heard what he said, we're trespassing and if we stay longer the alarm would go off"

"But this place hasn't function for many years" Diane says.

Snake sighed as he shook his head in annoyance.

"I know where the trigger warnings are and so there's no need to worry." Diane said as she walked to the room on the right, wolf and the rest followed, snake was the last person to entered.

Unaware something was watching behind them.

as they walked through the small dim lit hallway, snake glanced at the floor swing posters and saggy paper covering the floor.

It made his scale crawl, wolf opened the two doors, at the roof hung.

Shark saw a small train track with a moving train going round In continuous circles around the small platform, the train being coloured in Green, pink, yellow, red and going anti clockwise, is what disturbed him.

this was the noise they was hearing earlier from when they first came in.

Webs spotted rubbish covering the floor like a blanket and broken toy parts scattered across the small countertop and shelf's.

"Geez and these guys call themselves a good company ey? Can't even keep a single room clean." Webs rolled her eyes as she lifts her legs up, avoiding the mess.

They exited the small room, and went across to the opposite side of the reception, it was like a waiting room, an oddly designed sofa sat against the wall with a broken toy in one of the swerved seats, with a poster on the opposite wall saying, "Poppy needs to play?"

Snake goes up to the poster and gets a closer look as he feels that the doll on the poster looked oddly familiar.


They wandered around and shark went up to the locked door and and saw a colour code on the wall.

All sorts of different coloured buttons ordered randomly on the gadget on the wall.

While shark tries to figure it out, webs climbed on his shoulders and remembered In the exact order of the train.

She starts pressing buttons, Green, pink, yellow and red, then the doors open, allowing them in.

"Uh guys" webs called out then they looked at the open door And stepped in unknowing what danger is lurking for them.

THE BAD GUYS IN: playtime poppyWhere stories live. Discover now