"I'm sure she's okay, Freddie," George looked over at me. His hands clasped together as he leaned forward on the railing.

"How can you be sure?"

He shrugged, "It's Charlotte. We taught her well. Plus, Cedric said he knows where she is," George tried to reassure me, but I could tell he was worried as well.

"What's wrong with Charlotte?" Angelina leaned forwards to look at us directly.

Just then, two heads resurfaced from the Black Lake, and everyone started to cheer. However, no one was as loud as I was because relief washed over me as I turned back towards the lake to see Cedric return from underneath with Charlotte.

After a quick hitch, the heartbeat behind my chest steadily lowered as I exhaled.

Thank Godric, she's okay.


Charlotte's P.O.V.

I was deep in another one of those sleep that made me feel like I was floating in space, but this time I was actually floating. No, more like bobbing. I knew I was waiting on something, but what? I couldn't remember. The feeling of swaying back and forth in this void should scare me, but it isn't.

There was a jolt, and I drifted through the abyss. Then suddenly, I was snatched out of this trance as the air quickly refilled my lungs in gasps and coughs, and the sound of applause muffled in my ears through the water that had entered them. Water? What was happening? After wiping the dripping liquid from my face, I noticed Cedric floating beside me.

He grinned at me as he spits a little water out of his mouth, "Hello there, Love. Happy to see me?" but he didn't wait for my answer. Instead, he looked around and spotted the stand on which the professors and students stood.

I didn't reply to him at first because I was so disoriented. There was just so much going on, and I tried to focus on Cedric entirely, but all my senses were coming back all at once and almost overwhelmed me. He wasted no time putting his hand on my lower back to guide me towards the stands. It was during our swim that I started to remember things.

This was the second task. I had been tranced into sleep. I was the treasure that Cedric was meant to find, and he did. He found me. Just like I knew he would.

As the distance between us and the platform started to close, I looked over my shoulder to flash him a quick appreciative smile.

Fred bolted past the few students and beamed at us, "Congratulations, you two! You found her!"

He held his hand out for me to grab, and I smiled at him as I took it before he hoisted me onto the platform. Cedric helped by pushing me up the ladder.

Once on top of the wooden plank, I turned to help Cedric onto the stand and knelt beside him as he crumpled over to catch his breath. Poor thing, he must have been exhausted after such a gruelling task.

Emily, who was waiting in the same stand as us, rushed over to hand me a towel.

"Thank you," I told her before taking it and wrapping it around Cedric's shoulders, "You did it! You figured it out!"

Cedric grinned at me as he panted, "Did you doubt me?"

I returned the smile while shaking my head, "Never," After pushing his wet bangs out of his face, I kissed him quickly, "You were brilliant!"

Cedric chuckled as I took his hands and helped him stand, "How would you know? You were asleep the whole time," He quipped as he pushed my own wet strands of hair out of my face.

If I'm Lucky {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now