Chapter 30- Late night secrets and a troublesome Gobbie

Start from the beginning

He must have caught my sentiments, because he gave a frown and slumbered deep into his chair, defeated. "Oh, that fox of a child... I should stop those troublesome princes from involving themselves with my beautiful, innocent daughters..." he cried, miserable.

I almost snorted, bewildered by all the craziness. But I held on when I noticed Jenni shifting next to me. Carefully and slowly, she put her teacup on her saucer and let it rest on her hand. Her spine straightened as she addressed the drama queen we called father. "Papa, you know better than I, that wouldn't be wise. It may send the message to the court that you don't support prince Francis. Which is a lie." his eyes flashed with something I couldn't understand. Beneath all the indignant cries, there was a real and serious apprehension, far from the drama queen's eccentric manners.

I moved my head from one to another, unsure of what I was seeing, until Jenni's smile, gentle and sunny, appeared to warm the room. She leaned closer to the table and said in quiet tones. "Besides papa, you can always follow us around. To protect us."


His face lit as my eyes rolled. The drama queen had been conquered, and I was reaching my limit. However, that was not all, as I heard Francis's voice in my head.

"I am pretty sure I will marry your sister. She will make it so."

My stomach churned while an uncomfortable emotion settled on me. Exactly the same as that time when Francis talked to me about his relationship with Jenni. I knew from the beginning that she had always wanted to be the empress. But it had never sunk in me how planned it all seemed and how much she may have been involved in it. Planned marriages were common in this world, yet it just felt wrong even when I should have gotten used to it. Even when they were both alright with the arrangement.

Weird then that I felt worse by each day.

After that, I said little and decided it was best I took myself to the kitchen to prevent my ears from getting scarred by Gobbie's constant nagging. Before I left with Fanny, however, Gobbie made me promise I wouldn't let the princes see, touch, or eat my cookies. I told him the first would be impossible, but I would try my best on the other two, leaving behind a happy Gobbie and a supportive Jenni.

I sighed, already tired, as I walked the long way to my personal kitchen, noticing the piles upon piles of boxes with holy salt scattered around the corridors. With a shiver, I wondered if Gobbie was planning to cover the manor in salt after the princes left the next day.

Another long breath escaped my lips while I closed my eyes and pretended I saw nothing out of the ordinary. Some things were best buried in the recess of your mind. And this may very well be one of those cases.

When both me and Fanny arrived, we began working right away, preparing the dough for our cookies. It made me relax and forget unsavoury thoughts concerning an annoying duke. I was singing along while I whisked the ingredients, when a soft knock on the door interrupted my rhythm. It was our butler, smiling, though his energy was nervous at the best.

His head was the only thing visible as he peeked from the door. "Lady Amelia has arrived." he said, opening it to let her pass.

I bounced and let go of the bowl I was using. I hadn't expected her to arrive so early. And yet, that was not the most unexpected thing. Amelia's face had a deep frown and an ominous feeling. I glanced at the butler, realizing he had to contain a shiver as she passed him.

She was securing something under her crossed arms while her intense eyes focused on mine. Amelia didn't talk, neither did she move, having stopped a few feet from me. I felt then, under her sharp glare, sweat forming on my forehead.

It starts well...

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I actually love writing about the interactions between the Mountnero family members. And the duke's neurosis especially. It is soooo funny...

Maybe not for Lulu. But the rest can enjoy it XD

Holy salt is the key in here XD

Sorry I was late with this chapter. So many things happened. Only good thing is that next week I work only three days the rest would be for writing. Yuppii!!

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