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"I wholeheartedly think the PSEUDO is trying to murder us and they're biding their time," Lucia groaned as Iris and Eniola walked in behind her. She flopped onto the bed in their shared room and groaned again. "I'm too young to throw my back out."

Eniola and Iris both slipped into their beds. Eniola didn't realize how her body rattled with pain with every step and ached at every given moment. This was like SCOPE on steroids. Every physical limit on Eniola's body had maxed out and it had only been a month. At least they didn't feel pain in SCOPE.

"They would've already done it," Iris said. "I don't think we're too valuable to them."

"How anyone stays in the PSEUDO is beyond me," Eniola sighed. They were probably used to it at this point.

"But at least we have the rest of the day off until Kain comes back to do his bidding," Lucia said. "What do you guys want to do?"

"Talk," Eniola finally said. "We haven't done that in a while."

"Yeah, we have," Iris replied.

"But talked," Eniola emphasized.

"Well, it's hard to have a normal conversation with countless targets on your back," Lucia said. "Some of which are in this very house we're in."

Lucia's word struck Eniola for a moment. The PSEUDO wouldn't be all buddy-buddy with them, but they were at least going to act as allies. Right? But Eniola still couldn't escape the feeling that nipped at her in the stomach that made her feel something was wrong, even though it wasn't. She tucked it away.

"Kain is extremely suspicious," Iris said, just as Eniola tucked her suspicion away. "The only thing missing from him are black shadows and creepy music every time he walks."

Eniola snorted out a laugh. "He does feel like a villain. Especially with all his little henchmen."

He probably is. Eniola ignored the thought.

"You forgot?" Iris suddenly said. "He needs a twirly mustache and an evil laugh. That seals the deal."

"Of course," Lucia replied. "He is kind of weird though."

"How?" Eniola asked.

"To be honest," Lucia began. "He acts super weird around Eniola."


"I noticed that too," Iris said.

"No," Eniola quickly said. "He acts normal around me."

No, he doesn't.

"He put you in that room when we first got here and took you out of a session yesterday," Lucia explained. "He kind of treats you differently."

The session was so that Kain could show her stuff about Paradox before anyone else knew. It also gave her access to more suspicion about the PSEUDO because of their sketchy database. Maybe she was special at that moment.

"And we're not jealous," Iris clarified. "Kain gives me the jitters, so I prefer he doesn't come near me. But I think I know why he acts differently."

"And that is?" Eniola asked.

"Well," Lucia coughed. "He sees you as more."

"Hell no!" Eniola instantly yelled. "This man is like 25!"

Eniola's face flushed. No way had she seen Kain like that. Not when she and Jay almost loved each other. Not when Kain was old and villainous as hell. It didn't even occur to Eniola that it had been like that. Now she had two things to watch out for.

"That's my problem!" Iris yelled back. "He gives weirdo vibes."

"Yeah," Lucia said. "We'll watch out for him just in case he gets all cocky. He's not even your type, anyway."

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