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"All boarding for the flight to San Francisco!" The intercom's voice went off repeatedly. Eniola's friends rose from their seats in the huge glistening airport shaped like a dome in Las Vegas. There were holographic screens floating above them against the wall, showing international flights and a flurry of passengers waiting in the seating area and androids wheeling the squeaky-clean marble floors, all in between the bus terminals surrounding it in a circular tube.

This was the part Eniola had learned to hate. An hour before the flight to Los Angeles. She felt the warmness that had there slowly separate as they all got up to take their bags and head into the line. In another few days, she'd see them again for her 17th birthday, but now they were to separate. She knew the others were looking forward to getting to relax and being with their families, especially after the busy schedule and stress they'd endured.

"See you soon Eni!" Lucia said, wrapping her into a thick, comforting hug. Eniola held on tighter before everyone piled up against her in one backed away after an awkward moment, sensing bittersweetness hanging between them.

Jay had given her space but stayed next, giving a shy smile, hands in his pockets. "I'll see you in a few days, okay? When it's your birthday."

"How will you ever survive?" Eniola joked, glancing at the line forming to board the plane but lingering, wanting to stay close to her friends, to Jay, as long as she could.

"I've done it for the last 16 years," Iris said from the back.

"I'll survive knowing that you'll be in my arms again soon," he whispered before he moved closer and kissed her. It began softly, sweetly. But as it deepened, she grabbed his face, and he wrapped an arm around her. He pulled away, only to whisper in her ear. "And on my lips." She quietly giggled.

"If you keep that up, we're going to miss our flight," Iris called from the front before Eniola turned to see all of them smiling at them. Heat immediately seeped through her cheeks.

They pulled away and exchanged smiles before Jay walked away with the rest of her friends. "Bye."

"Bye," Eniola said as she waved, as they stepped away from the seating area and the security droids scanned them. The terminal doors slid open for them, and they all walked inside the plane.

Eniola kept their eyes on the door for an abnormal amount of time until she forced herself to sit back down again. It's okay; she thought to herself. I'll see them on my birthday.

She passed time by scrolling through her phone, swiping through articles and messages about the upcoming SCOPE championships in Seoul in a couple of days. So many people had been streaming pre-game updates and predictions on who would win and who would host. Some said Howie would come back, but Eniola wasn't sure. Howie had once again gone off the grid to put her full attention on making SCOPE better. There were even some people trying to locate Howie, including Lucia.

Eniola could hardly wait, feeling the excitement burst through her like it was blood in her veins. She still had to pinch herself until it went red because it was such a faraway dream. Almost a year ago, Eniola had to sneak around and create elaborate schemes to go to the SCOPE matches, but soon she was going to be flying to Seoul to represent the US free and in the open.

Eniola didn't know how to feel about her parent's sudden 180 from saying 'SCOPE is bad!' to trying to contact her all the time. It wasn't like that when they disowned her at the hospital. They were clear and adamant that she was no longer welcome in their home.

Eniola was so wrapped up in the million thoughts that ran through her head that she barely noticed the stranger who sat next to her. Eniola turned to get a better view and immediately her throat closed.

Enigma (Rogue #2)Where stories live. Discover now