... what in the name of ... SHOTO!

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Dabi's POV:

It was late and Izuku was giving us all some worries. The kid was more or less lifeless. It bothered me soo much that I started checking up on him twice a day just to make sure that he was alive and well not doing something suicidal. You never knew and I wouldn't, no, I could never forgive myself if this kid would kill himself in front of me because of something like the chicken just vanishing.

This was how I was walking past my brothers room right towards the guest room which was Izu's room. We all decided to name it his room since this child was going to stay with us more from time to time and we all loved him. If Hawks didn't adopt him, I would have done it and I know that my mother was also the person to love doing that as well as my father. We all got attached to this small green little fluffy angel.

Shoto: So what you think about it?


I heard my brothers voice coming over from Izu's room. It was a bit weird since it was a bit early for this. Besides today was a normal school day. As if that wasn't enough, by now Shoto should also get going to UA or he would be late which made me even cofused.

Shoto: Izu?

Izu: Yeah, you right.

Shoto: Are you sure? I mean they look like some secret incarnation. I mean that chargbold is definitelly Pikatchu from this one game.

The moment I heard that I could only face-palm myself. This was definitelly stupid. My brother was inside Izu's room and pestering the child. I mean it wasn't bad or anything since he was lifeless after all but from all he could talk about he chose his theories. They all dubbed his theories Todoroki theories which is kinda unfair since he is the only Todoroki member doing them.

I opened the door and went inside only to see Izuku sitting by the window sill again. His wings were covering him and my brother was sitting on the ground talking to him. I could tell just by seeing them like this that it was Shoto who tried to get Izuku to think about something else and actually turn aroung. He was staring out of the window and he looked soo absent minded with dark eye rings too. 

Shoto: Oh and there is this Pomeranian in my class. I am 100% sure he is All Mights secret love child because he sometimes has the same ability.

Me: Sho, stop it.

Shoto: Brother?

Me: Why you have to come up with all these theories? Do you know that people only think about you and your stupid theories when they hear out name?

Shoto: They are not stupid.

Me: You sure? A fictive mouse that gets reincarnated and is one of your classmates?

Shoto: Okay..... it does sound a bit farfetched.

Me: A bit?

Shoto: Okay a bit more.

Me: What's up with the All Might theory now?

Shoto: Well...

Me: Speak!

Shoto: It is Bakugo. His quirks are explotions and I am so sure about it but yet sometimes he has this unhumanly strength. You should have seen him recently! He was soo much faster than Iida who has a speed quirk!

Me: Sho, you are thinking too much in this one.

Shoto: I am not! I am telling ya!

Me: Sho, is this like the Eraserhead son? 

Shoto: No... this time it's even bigger.

Me: Sho! Do you know how hard it was to get that Todoroki theory to get down? We had news people questioning us about the theory and you as well as your teacher calling us to fix this mess.

Shoto: Well... I am sorry.

Me: Lies.

Shoto: True. I am not sorry since it is the TRUTH! I am telling ya!

Me: *Sigh* Sho please stop this shit.

Izu: Pffff-

All of the sudden we could hear Izuku snicker and that made us all look towards him. He didn't looked as much down anymore and he was smiling once again. It was such a nice smile and I was happy that even tho I was scolding Shoto that this helped Izuku out. 


Me: SHO!

Shoto: But look at him! He is an angel.

Me: *Sigh* 

Shoto: You sound like my teacher.. *gasp* are we blood related to Eraserhead?

Me: NO! Stop it!

Shoto: But brother!

Me: NO! I am sighing how stupid your theories are.

Shoto (whispering): Not that stupid.

Me: Sure are!

Shoto: ....

Me: Anyways. I came up to get you to school Sho! 

Shoto: NOOOOO! I decided to stay with Izu here.

Me: You know we can't have that.

Izu: Please?

Me: ....

Shoto: See even my little angel brother wants this.

Me: He is not-

Shoto: We are sworn broders from now on. Deal with this.

Me: ... You know what? Fine.

This was how I decided to let everything be since Izu was now looking at us and he had this certain spark in his eyes that was making all the worries dissapear I had about him. In the end I took both of them out of the house to the beach where they could get some sun as well as play in the water and it surprised me that Izuku started it first. He seemed to love the beach from what I could see. 


Look at this small angel!

Never thought he loved the beach this much.

Not wanting to fly but playing in the water with Shoto....

They sure still are kids.

How cute they are tho.

Needless to say that I wrote the absent letter to UA as well has this as a secret from our parents cause otherwise I would get in soo much trouble but also not cause I did this for Izuku's sake.

Don't care if I get yelled at!

This was soo worth it!

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