Little Angel

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Hawks POV:

I've been with the kid until he fell asleep. I couldn't quite get why he was so scared of being with me but I could only guess why. It surely had to do something with his adoptive family.

What did you had the endure till now?

How can people like that even exist?

Me: Feathers, I don't want to get you back to your family... 

Sending you back is definitelly not an option....

I don't want them to harm you again!

You don't deserve it!

No one does!

Me: I can't get you in my home too....

I wonder what I should do the?

I know you don't want to be with me....

I get that you are scared and we don't know each other but why not my home?


Me: ENDEAVOR! He surely can help me out.

Without much thinking, I picked up the kid and immediately flew to Endeavor agency where I knew I could find the hero. Unfortunately for me he wasn't there so I just went to his home. There I was greet with Natsuo at the front door.

Natsuo: Hawks?

Me: Where is your father?

Natsuo: Edeavor is in the training area.

Me: Good. Now can you let us in?

Natsuo: Ahm sure....

Me: Thank you!

He let me in and I immediately went to the training area. On my way there I was meat with Shoto the youngest and he looked to be the same age as the little boy I was holding in my hands.

Shoto: .... is that your brother?

Me: No.

Shoto: Your son?

Me: NO!


How old do I look in your eyes!

Damn you and your theories!

I said that I walked passed him and right into the training area where I immediately meet Endeavor. He was definitely surprised to see me and the first thing he did was sigh look at me and then furrow his brown before turning around and walk away.

Me: HEY!

Endeavor: Tell me you did not just kidnapp a kid.

It's not kidnapping!

This is saving!


I couldn't let them kill him!

They would for sure and he has a healing quirk!

He would have endured only a lot of pain!


It's not kidnapping!

Me: I didn't.

Endeavor: Than who is this in your hands?

Me: Izuku.

Endeavor: Go on... Izuku who?

Me: Ahm...

Endeavor: *Sigh* You are such a dumb bird.

Me: HEY!

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