What theroy? Todoroki therory of course!

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It was only 3 days that Hawks left and I couldn't describe it but I felt kinda insecure as well spooked out and scared that Hawks would leave me. You never knew when something was going wrong. It could be anything. I knew he was sent undercover so maybe he got exposed. Who knows what could go wrong on his missions? There was just too much insecurity for me. 

This was how I was sitting in my room looking trhough thw window while sitting there on the window sill hoping to see Hawks but my dear pigeon brother was no where to be seen.

All of the sudden I could hear a knock on my door. 

Me: Come in.

Shoto: Izu, I wanted to get your opinion on something.

Me: Sure, what's up.

Shoto: Can you come over to my room real quick?

Me: Ahm okay....?

I went with him to his room and once I got inside I could see a pin wall with soo many papers and something circled around and then strings attaching information to information. This looked like something out of a crime movie.

Me: What are you doing with these?

Shoto: Collecting some evidence.

Me: Evidence?

Shoto: Yeah.

Me: Why do you need evidence?

Shoto: Well. Look at this for example. Do you see this!

Me: Yes?

He showed me a picture of a lillac haired boy. He looked very tired and his hair was standing up kinda but alos ver fluffy. I shouldn't be judging people on their hair since mine wasn't the best either. I had literally a fluffy bush as my hair.

Shoto: This is Shinsou.

Me: Okay and?

Shoto: Look at this man.

He then took down Eraserheads image and showed it in my hands.

Shoto: This is my teacher Eraserhead.

Me: Okay?

Shoto: Can'T you see it.

Me: See what? I don't even get what I am looking at.

Shoto: Their similarities! 

Me: I mean... yeah they both tired.

Shoto: NONONO!

Me: What else?

Shoto: They both drink coffee.

Me: AS do a lot of people.

Shoto: They can chuck pure black coffee down in seconds.

Me: Bit excessive but okay.

Shoto: Eraserheads hair stands up when he uses his quirk and look! Look at Shinsou's hair! 

Me: It standing up?


Me: You do know that there are people with just messy hair?

Shoto: NO-No-no! You missing the point here.

Me: And the point is?

Shoto: Shinsou is Eraserheads secret love child! 


Shoto: I am telling ya! I am right!

Me: ....

Shoto: Don't believe me?

Me: How can I?

Shoto: *Sigh* Izu!

Me: What? 

Shoto: How can you be so blind.

Me: I am not blind. I just think you are putting things together that are a big coincidents now.

Shoto: But I wasn't wrong that you were Hawks brother tho.

Me: Everyone said that in your family tho.

Shoto: So what!

Me: *Sigh* Okay let's just say he is his son, so what?

Shoto: I gotta expose them.

Me: Shoto no!

Shoto: Why not!

Me: There is a reason they won't say it if it is even true.

Shoto: And?

Me: Privacy?

Shoto: And? I don't see your point.

Me: Shoto.... please be rational. Don't get yourself in trouble.

Shoto: ... you sound like the rest of my family now.

Me: There is a reason they are like this.

Shoto: Probably.

Me: So don't do this.

Shoto: Fine. I won't.

Me: Thanks.

It was at that moment that we heard a scream telling us that the food was ready. It was around 7 p.m already and we all just waited for Dabi to get home after a mission. He was away for a day and I could tell how different the air in this house was when this burned nugget wasn't in the house. 

As much as they were waiting for him to come back, I was still waiting for my dear brother....

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