Me and my brother... BEST TEAM EVER!

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I don't remember how much I slept or what happened after I saved Hawks. What I do know was that I woke up in my own bed at my brothers place and not Endeavors. Not only that but my feathers and wings were back.

I feel refreshed!

I knew rest was all I needed!

Wait... they look even softer now.

Also the moment I started to sit up, I had someone throwing himself against me. It was no other than my brother himself.


I am not dead!

No need to act like this....

Come on brother!

There is no need to for this!

Besdies.... can't breath!


Wait are you crying?

Hawks: Feathers!!! I am soo happy that you woke up. I thought that you...

What died?

Come on!

I literally told you I need some rest!


I couldn't sleep because you ditched me for weeks.

It thought you abandoned me!

I thought that you got killed!

Do you know how scary it is not to know where you are?

No note nothing?

Brother I thought I would be all alone.

That was what I wanted to tell him but I couldn't since he was literally crying and I didn't wanted to blame him for not somehow contacting me in secret.

Me: I told you, I am fine and just needed some rest.

It was at that moment that I saw the heating lamp above us. Last time I remembered there was not such a lamp here in the room. As if to know what I was thinking Hawks let go of me and looked at me with a serious face and eyes swollen up as if to say he cried for ages.

Is that a heating lamp?

Hawks: I didn't know what else to do.

Me: That's actually smart.

Considering that I do need energy in any kind of form to recover.

Hawks: Don't do this ever again.

I didn't chose to do that!

You did it first!

Me: Then you don't disappear from me for weeks.

Hawks: I tried coming back the first week but I got busted.

Me: .... brother!

I am glad I found you alive!

I am glad that you are alive!

I am soooo glad to have this quirk!

Never was I more grateful for it.

Hawks: It was only thanks to you that I survived up until now. You healed me every night, didn't you?

Me: I... yes.

Hawks: I should scold you for that but I can't.... Thanks feathers.

Me: I was just soo worried about you.

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