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When I woke up, I found myself sound asleep in a room I didn't know and it smelled like ice and roses in here. Tho it was a bit cold, I could still tell from all the decoration that this was not the home I knew and so panic started spreading in my mind.

Where am I?

Wait what happened?

I know I meet Hawks and....and...


I immediately stood up and jumped out of the bed but unfortunatelly for me, I was way too careless and fell immediately down since I slipped on the same blaket I threw off me. Well what good luck I had...

A loud thumb echoed through the room a bit and I had my wings cover my shoulders as it was cold in here. What I didn't expect was the door to open and a boy my age with red and white hair to come running towards me.

???: Are you okay?

Me: Yeah....

???: That's good. Can I ask you something?

Me: Ahm sure.

???: Are you Hawks secret love child?

Me: Pffff- what?

???: Well you have wings like him.

Me: No. No. Where did you get that idea from? He is not that old to be my father.

???: Then brother it is.

Me: Pfff-hahaha. You funny.

???: SHO-CHAN! Why?!

???: What why brother?

???: *sigh* You and your secret love children.

Sho-chan: But look at them! They look soo similar.

???: I am sorry for my little brother. I am Touya Todoroki. Thisis Shoto Todoroki.

Me: I am Izuku Midoriya, nice to meet you two but where am I?

Touya: This is the Todo-

???: Why are you two pestering this boy?

I looked past the candy cane which was sitting on the ground with me and the burned nugget which was crouching right next to him in front of me to see Endeavor just walking into the room through the open door. It was pretty easy to see this man and recognize who it was since he was a bit famous for a number 2 hero.

Me: Endeavor?

Endeavor: Call me Enji, child. Now both of you scram!

The two boys listened to the mans voice and he came to me and just picked me off the ground and put me back in the bed. I was a bit exhausted from healing myself. I still remembered healing Hawks yesterday and then my parents and I knew that I was very exhausted.

Endeavor: Izuku, I am sorry for what happened to you.

Me: Hm?

Endeavor: Hawks told me everything he knew and brought you here since you refused staying at his place. He thought that mine would be better.... for some reasons....

Me: Ohh....Wait! How late is it?

Endeavor: It's 7 in the morning.

Me: I have to go back to my .. my family...

Endeavor: Are you sure you want to go back. If you want to stay I can protect you as well as that chicken.

Me: But they adopted me! I can't stay here.

Endeavor: That has nothing to do with your wish. Tell me honestly what do you want.

Me: Me?

Endeavor: Yes.

Me: ... I ... I don't wanna go back....

Endeavor: Then it's decided you'll stay until the chicken got your adoption papers.

Me: What?

Endeavor: It's not my place to tell you anything. Anyways, I brought you some cloths over. I hope they will fit you. Come out of the room when you done changing.

Me: Okay.

Everything was too fast for me. Yesterday I was planning on escaping and today I was at the number 2 heroes home. This didn't made much sense but it was good to be away from them. I could only imagine what these two people called my parents would do to me. I was just scared from them and I knew that they would kill me sooner or later. It was just a matter of time anyways.

Once I changed into the white clothes I came outside and saw Endeavor as well as Touya and Shoto waiting for me.

Shoto: I told you he is an angel.

Touya: Stop it.

Shoto: Are you blind look at him.

Touya: Sho-chan by the love of god please stop with your theories!

Endeavor: He does look like one.

Touya: I know but we all know he is human with a bird quirk.

Me: Healing to be precise.

It was me who managed to get their attention after just simply mixing into their conversation since they haven't even realize that I came out of the room. Once I stated my quirk they all turned around to me. However they didn't seem as surprised which made me think that Hawks already told them everything he knew about me.

Endeavor: Come on now. It's about time we all get breakfast.

Shoto: Soba?

Endeavor: No.

Shoto: But my cold soba!

Endeavor: Son you can't just eat soba.

Touya: Yes he can.

Endeavor: No and you should also tone down on pizza. You gaining weight.

Touya: You calling me fat now old man.

Endeavor: Never said that.

I couldn't help but snicker at the conversation they had and I felt a huge hand on my back. It was Endeavor who put his hand there and guided me to a room. It felt good as if he wanted to reasure me everything was all right and it was soo warm. It felt just as if I was part of this family. Tho I knew I couldn't leave my hopes high up like that. It was a matter of time that I would get back to the people and they would hurt me. There was nothing Hawks could do since I had a healing quirk and no injuries could be found on me after my quirks kicks in.

Endeavor: Izuku, you are shivering. Are you cold?

Me: A bit.

Endeavor: You seem exhausted too. How about we get to breakfast and you can go back to rest afterwards again.

Me: Mh.

Shoto: Come here.

Touya: Shoto that is your ice side you gonna freeze him.

Endeavor: Let's do this.

Before I knew it, Endeavor picked me up and I felt the heat coming off him. It felt really good and I was so reluctant to take up all the energy and heat he had. I needed it. This was why the room I was in was soo cold. My quirk took all the energy out of my surrounding to recover my fatige. Now I was very close on taking up the energie this hero had to offer but decided to force my quirk to stop doing it and just enjoy the warmth.

We entered the dining hall and he put me down on a chair. I could see the rest of the family there and so we ended up in a bit of conversation while we had breakfast. They mostly asked if me and Hawks were really not blood related but as far as I knew we were not. After that it was Touya who picked me up and brought me back to the room which by now was warm again and I ended up falling asleep right in his hands as he carried me back to the room. All I felt was him putting me on the bed and cover me with a blanket as well as the clicking sound of the door which indicates that he left. I was just soo tired that I couldn't even think about getting out of this room at all. So I ended up sleeping and recovering.

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